Old Laptop is fading out. New (refurbished) one, bought with Windows 7 preinstalled (no disk), works fine but tells me that I need to go online and get a virus protection program, ASAP. I figure another Premiere account for 50 bucks or whatever but Avast tech support tells me to just reuse the existing license, which I recently renewed, and I do so, updating 2015 Free and rebooting on command.
No login. I can mouse click on the window but I can't get a single letter to type into it.
I call Avast Tech Support back and they say: "Known issue (multiple virus protections in conflict), easy fix, 15-20 minutes to go in behind windows, strip everything out and try again."
And then, the bombshell: "120 dollars for a warranteed, 1-time, fix. Or 180 for a year's service."
For fifteen minutes of work. And there's not even any romantic music or a cuddle afterwards.
Just. No.
If you are disabled living on less than a 800 dollars a month, you cannot throw 120 bucks after 250 for a new computer. Not if you want to eat, have lights and running water while keeping the landlord from pounding on your door.
So I come here because nothing in my new laptop's bootup menu says: 'safe mode'. Is there an F-## way to make an Elitebook play nice or do I now have a fine paperweight? And if I already have a functional virus protection, why did Windows specifically tell me I didn't?
Thanks in advance for any help.