Author Topic: SpyBot updates  (Read 43451 times)

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Offline Lisandro

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SpyBot updates
« on: November 10, 2003, 09:36:06 PM »
In previous foruns, I have read that SpyBot have some difficulties while updating (I remember that Waldo posted something about it..., specially about the mirrors). Now, everytime I try to update I receive the same message: No updates available.
My Internet connection is working fine (with avast!, e-mail, firewall, proxy and so on...).

This is the Spybot log:
6-11-03 18:46:33 downloaded update Detection rules
6-11-03 18:46:33  - URL:
6-11-03 18:46:33  - Local file: C:\Arquivos de programas\Utilitários\Internet\Spybot\Updates\
6-11-03 18:47:05 downloaded update File check library
6-11-03 18:47:05  - URL:
6-11-03 18:47:05  - Local file: C:\Arquivos de programas\Utilitários\Internet\Spybot\Updates\
6-11-03 18:51:50 Download de atualizações concluído. (
8-11-03 8:42:41 Download de atualizações concluído. (
10-11-03 18:31:38 Download de atualizações concluído. (

The last update was in 6-11, is this ok? At Spybot webpage is not so simple to know if this is the 'last' update...  :'(
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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2003, 12:25:50 AM »

My XP shows the last update as 5/18/03 and version 1.2
Your Spybot seems to be more current than mine!
I just checked and it says that there are no updates.

Um....very strange indeed.

I want to go to the Home page for Spybot and nose around a bit to see if I can come up with any answers.  I have noticed that the updates are not very frequent and each of my machines updates differently. (in time that is).

UPDATE:  Try this link for the latest update definitions.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2003, 12:56:45 AM by techie101 »


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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2003, 02:26:39 AM »
This site seems to be pretty good at keeping track of the latest updates:

It shows the latest SpyBot update as being 02 Nov.
You may be interested in other forums and security related articles on this site too.

So far I haven't had any problems with SpyBot updates.

Offline Lisandro

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2003, 03:39:15 AM »
Thanks Jarron and Techie for the links.

Anyway, Techie, I'm looking for an incremental update and your link, as you know, is for full update. Jarron, that links jump to a forum list and the user need to browse and search a little... There I found that last spybot update is 10-10-2003 !

I'll keep reporting and wainting for your posts about Spybot updates. Thanks for your time again.  ;)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2003, 03:41:31 AM by Technical »
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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2003, 03:58:01 AM »
Anyway, Techie, I'm looking for an incremental update and your link, as you know, is for full update.

Yes Technical, I knew it was a full update, but I wanted to at least have your program updated to the latest.  We can still work on the incremental update problem.

Jarron, that links jump to a forum list and the user need to browse and search a little... There I found that last spybot update is 10-10-2003 !

Thus far we have mine at 5/03, Technicals at 6/ we have Jarron with 11/03 and back to Technical for 10/03.  Something really seems wrong here.
I'm shooting off an email to Spybot support tonight.


« Last Edit: November 11, 2003, 03:59:45 AM by techie101 »


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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2003, 04:42:16 AM »
Jarron, that links jump to a forum list and the user need to browse and search a little... There I found that last spybot update is 10-10-2003 !

Sorry Technical, I should have posted the actual thread:  You must have missed it while scanning through the list.  I look at the list fairly regularly so it's easier for me to spot the newer items.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2003, 04:43:05 AM by Jarron »

Offline Lisandro

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2003, 12:51:43 PM »
Anyway, Techie, I'm looking for an incremental update and your link, as you know, is for full update.

Yes Technical, I knew it was a full update, but I wanted to at least have your program updated to the latest.  We can still work on the incremental update problem.

Jarron, that links jump to a forum list and the user need to browse and search a little... There I found that last spybot update is 10-10-2003 !

Thus far we have mine at 5/03, Technicals at 6/ we have Jarron with 11/03 and back to Technical for 10/03.  Something really seems wrong here.
I'm shooting off an email to Spybot support tonight.


Techie, he he he  ;D
I'm not crazy, there is a trouble indeed  ;)

Jarron, I suggest the main page of SpyBot. At the right side, we have the last update anyway...
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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2003, 04:24:49 PM »
I have a similar problem with updating SpyBot 1.2, If Avast is running, i cant, simple as that, the downloads appear, but when i click download, it hangs the whole PC, if Avast is disabled or i use another A/V, then i can get them no probs

Now i know for a fact that it all worked before, but since version 4.1 (the most bug ridden in my opinion)ie progs will hang if Avast is running like Opera, Anti Trojan, & even IE6 the few rare times i use it all freeze if Avast is running, it got so bad with all versions of 4.1, that ui have switched to NODv2 as my main A/V with Avast as a back up, just to make clear these probs were only with Avast running, with it disabled or with NOD running, i have no probs at all

It is a pity as Avast was a great prog & i recommended it to all my family & friends, sadly even they are having probs with it now.I seriously hope the Awill team can fix these bugs & get Avast back as the best A/V, untill they do, i'll stick with NOD

My descision was also based on the fact that only Igor from the Avast team was kind enough to try & help me with other members of this forum with my "Avast Is Locking The PC" thread, i got the feeling that Vlk & the others just didnt care, so my thanks goes to Igor & techie101 & Homer for all their help with my problem.

BaNzI ???

Offline Lisandro

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2003, 05:26:43 PM »
BanziBaby, I just try to help when I feel I can do... avast! forums members, like any other, try to help very fast, kindly and efficently... Sometimes, for me, I cannot figure out how to help hardware troubles or memory leaks. Maybe I did not have these troubles so I did not learn...

Anyway, I'm an avast! user deeply thankfull to Vlk. He always help me when I need  8)

About this thread, I recommend to Spybot users the Spybot Side Bar. Here is the link for Internet Explorer. The user can see the last updates by clicking Tool > SpyBot on the main menu of IE. By now, the last update is indeed 2nd November.  ;)
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Offline igor

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2003, 08:08:13 PM »
BanziBaby: If I remember correctly, you said you had the "Show detailed info" turned on. Does the freezing occurs even when you switch it off? Or when you disable some of the Standard Shield options... or the Standard Shield completely?

If the freeze occurs every time you try to download the SpyBot update (i.e. if it's easily reproducible)... it's quite an advantageous situation for experiments that may pinpoint the problem. Of course it's bad that it freezes... but it's sort of "better" than random, non-reproducible crashes/freezes - from the point of view of solving it.

Offline Lisandro

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2003, 10:04:03 PM »
BanziBaby, if you want more information about the avast4.ini file, you can see here

For instance, there are some topics about what Igor said: "Show detailed info" and so on.

Best regards.  ;)
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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2003, 02:13:28 PM »
Hi :)

@Igor, i dont have show detailed info on for any of the providers, only the internet mail scanner, as i liked to see a confirmation that mail was being scanned.The freezes with spybot always happened at the same point, ie, click the search for updates button, wait till any updates were listed & then as soon as i clicked on the download updates, it locked, always with Avast running, tried the 3 finger salute (ctrl+alt+del)but as soon as U click on end task, again the pc froze, this time for good, left it for over an hour, but it just locked up completely so a reset was needed.I even tried the beta version of SpyBot 1.3, same again, but with Avst running, the download actually makes it to the dialog box showing that it is connecting to the server, but the blue progress bar always appears full, but nothing gets downloaded, disable Avast & it works & downloads the updates.All the freezes with the other programs i mentioned, happened as Avast was doing some scanning, i had the taskbar on show all the time & as soon as the A ball icon started to spin, things would freeze, again if i ctrl+alt+del, it locked completely neddeing a reset.On open scan had the default extention set that Vlk had posted a while back & on create modify, it just had default extention set checked, no detailed info was selected nor silent mode.

My pc configureation hasnt changed in all the time i have used Avast, no new hardware or drivers, i always use nvidia drivers version 30.82 as they are stable & dont have the performance drop that later versions do on win9x, my strrtup items have also been the same as i always use the same progs.I have tried everythin that was suggested on this forum & even a few things of my own, only way to stop the lockups is to completely disable the standard shield provider which totally defeats the point of having it.I didnt mean to sound as harsh on Avst & its team as i did, just having so many personal probs coupled with all the probs in trying to use my pc with Avast running, if i use msconfig to disable it completely, the probs stop, proving to me that it is down to Avast.With version 4 of Avast, i rarely had any complaints or probs, unfortunately i can say the same with 4.1 & the constant updates & fixes for it.Even on a freshly formatted drive with my custom install of windows (nothin fancy, just selecting custom install as i have always done & not installing any of the useless stuff i dont & never use)with or without windows updates, not using certain providers, ie IM, P2P & even the mail scanner, it still happens.I have tried uninstalling Avast usin control panel & then the Avast4 removal tool, then reinstalling, straight after reboot, the problems start.Im sure U can all inderstand that it is hard to use a pc when it locks up whenever U run a prog or Avast scans something.I just cant put up with the constant runs of scandisk after every reset anymore, so i disabled Avast & got the trail version of NODv2, not 1 single prob with that, no lock ups, no freezes, nothing, it all just works, so much so that i actually bought it.

I will still be keeping Avast on the pc, just without it loading at startup & when i use it, NOD will be completely disabled, then i will start the ashserv process & update its vps, then just use it with no providers as a on demands scanner, i will still update the prog & try it out sometimes to see if all these probs are gone, if not, well there not much else i can do. ???

@technical, thank U for the link to the ini configuration, the only thing i have ever edited in that is the "UseDefaultSMTP=" option as changing it to a 1 was the omnly way i could send mail in OE, never had any probs setting mozillamail or other mail progs as they dont really have a use smtp authorisation option.Keep Ur good work here friend, U are a credit too this forum & U have always tried to help others, long may U continue in that :)

Cheers :)

BaNzI ;D


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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2003, 03:57:34 PM »
hi Technical,
First thing ,i'm a newbee and not a computer literate, so...
Reading the forum today, I tried and succeeded to update Spybot without any problem. You find hereunder the journal of the downloaded files. I hope it can be usefull for you.

Scandisk ::)

13/11/2003 15:46:00 Fichier de mise à jour téléchargé. (
13/11/2003 15:46:39 downloaded update Detection rules
13/11/2003 15:46:39  - URL:
13/11/2003 15:46:39  - Local file: C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\
13/11/2003 15:46:42 downloaded update File check library
13/11/2003 15:46:42  - URL:
13/11/2003 15:46:42  - Local file: C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\
13/11/2003 15:46:43 downloaded update Help file: Francais
13/11/2003 15:46:43  - URL:
13/11/2003 15:46:43  - Local file: C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\
13/11/2003 15:46:43 downloaded update Product information: Francais
13/11/2003 15:46:43  - URL:
13/11/2003 15:46:43  - Local file: C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\
13/11/2003 15:46:44 downloaded update Translation: Francais
13/11/2003 15:46:44  - URL:
13/11/2003 15:46:44  - Local file: C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\

Offline Lisandro

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2003, 01:35:59 AM »
Hi :)
@technical, thank U for the link to the ini configuration, the only thing i have ever edited in that is the "UseDefaultSMTP=" option as changing it to a 1 was the omnly way i could send mail in OE, never had any probs setting mozillamail or other mail progs as they dont really have a use smtp authorisation option.Keep Ur good work here friend, U are a credit too this forum & U have always tried to help others, long may U continue in that :)
Cheers :)
BaNzI ;D

Thank you for your words...  ;)

A complete information about the last SpyBot updates is the following:

Legend: ++ means a new addition, + means a target detection has improved

+ SearchV.WinShow ++ Kazaa hijacker ++ MyWebSearch ++ WindowEnhancer + ISTbar.Slotch + PowerScan ++ ShareDocs ++ NavExcel ++ DotcomToolbar.LinkSummary ++ KExplorer ++ SeekSeek ++ PrimeSoft.SafeSearch ++ CoolWWWSearch
++ VX2/h.ABetterInternet ++ Winpup + PurityScan + n-Case + WhenU.SaveNow + ClientMan
++ MapiSvc32 ++ UCSearch.ArmBender + InternetWasher + Look2Me ++ SpyBan
++ EmployeeMonitoring
++ Syscopy.Mailserver ++ AV.Sinkin
+ Unknown (17) + Unknown Type2 (2) + Aconti + All-In-One Telcom + Dialer_XX + Dialler + (3) + InterSysInc + Liquid Inc + RasDialer + Piratos + Vloading + Webdialer (12)
++ Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader ++ cam2pc ++ Creative MediaSource ++ Inno Setup ++ MS Snapshot Viewer ++ pdfFactory 2.x

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Offline Lisandro

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Re:SpyBot updates
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2003, 01:48:24 AM »
Hi :)

@Igor, i dont have show detailed info on for any of the providers, only the internet mail scanner, as i liked to see a confirmation that mail was being scanned.The freezes with spybot always happened at the same point, ie, click the search for updates button, wait till any updates were listed & then as soon as i clicked on the download updates, it locked, always with Avast running, tried the 3 finger salute (ctrl+alt+del)but as soon as U click on end task, again the pc froze, this time for good, left it for over an hour, but it just locked up completely so a reset was needed.I even tried the beta version of SpyBot 1.3, same again, but with Avst running, the download actually makes it to the dialog box showing that it is connecting to the server, but the blue progress bar always appears full, but nothing gets downloaded, disable Avast & it works & downloads the updates.All the freezes with the other programs i mentioned, happened as Avast was doing some scanning, i had the taskbar on show all the time & as soon as the A ball icon started to spin, things would freeze, again if i ctrl+alt+del, it locked completely neddeing a reset.On open scan had the default extention set that Vlk had posted a while back & on create modify, it just had default extention set checked, no detailed info was selected nor silent mode.

My pc configureation hasnt changed in all the time i have used Avast, no new hardware or drivers, i always use nvidia drivers version 30.82 as they are stable & dont have the performance drop that later versions do on win9x, my strrtup items have also been the same as i always use the same progs.I have tried everythin that was suggested on this forum & even a few things of my own, only way to stop the lockups is to completely disable the standard shield provider which totally defeats the point of having it.I didnt mean to sound as harsh on Avst & its team as i did, just having so many personal probs coupled with all the probs in trying to use my pc with Avast running, if i use msconfig to disable it completely, the probs stop, proving to me that it is down to Avast.With version 4 of Avast, i rarely had any complaints or probs, unfortunately i can say the same with 4.1 & the constant updates & fixes for it.Even on a freshly formatted drive with my custom install of windows (nothin fancy, just selecting custom install as i have always done & not installing any of the useless stuff i dont & never use)with or without windows updates, not using certain providers, ie IM, P2P & even the mail scanner, it still happens.I have tried uninstalling Avast usin control panel & then the Avast4 removal tool, then reinstalling, straight after reboot, the problems start.Im sure U can all inderstand that it is hard to use a pc when it locks up whenever U run a prog or Avast scans something.I just cant put up with the constant runs of scandisk after every reset anymore, so i disabled Avast & got the trail version of NODv2, not 1 single prob with that, no lock ups, no freezes, nothing, it all just works, so much so that i actually bought it.

I will still be keeping Avast on the pc, just without it loading at startup & when i use it, NOD will be completely disabled, then i will start the ashserv process & update its vps, then just use it with no providers as a on demands scanner, i will still update the prog & try it out sometimes to see if all these probs are gone, if not, well there not much else i can do. ???

Cheers :)

BaNzI ;D

I had SpyBot updates troubles either. But in the web I found that these troubles are not related to avast! The SpyBot application does not have a good update feature anyway... This is the reason for me to start this theread (forum).

I know that the SpyBot files could be updated like this:

Detection rules
Integrated tools Application updater
Update dummies

I know this can help just a little, anyway I decided to post... I won´t give up avast! to SpyBot updates (anyway, SpyBot works perfectly, just the update proccess is a little complicated).

In the web troubles with it always said the same behavior: update (download) freezed, monitor troubles, etc.  :'( I do not think it is an avast! problem...  ;)
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