Here is the 13 yr old post: i never noticed that teenie tiny hole below the dvd/cd drive to stick a paper clip into.
& i was very hesistant to do that when i read the above old post yesterday.
But i just gave in & stuck the paper clip in there today, & low & behold the drive opened with Avast free antivirus fully running.
My tower is GIGANTIC with 2 cooling fans & very old.
May have been dirt in there or something jammed. Odd avast coincidence, regarding disabling it. Still scratching my head. lol
If one has windows XP, IMO you should NOT be using safezone(or whatever avast calls it now), or outdated chrome, firefox ESR, or even pale moon.
Mypal is based on pale moon. I love it.
& so is New Moon only other browser updated for XP i could find is simply prefer Mypal, which i believe is a labor of love by a handful of developers possibly not interested in profit.
I do not know those people, but i am in awe of them!
"The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions."