lately i've been getting this strange bug when i start up windows, avast starts ok but then if i want to launch the antivirus interface, the memory test starts, finishes (with sucess) but then nothing happens, the interface does not appear and then if i right-click on anything (file, folder, etc...) and i click on any choice (properties for instance) it still works but the 'properties' line in the explorer stays on top and it won't go unless i reboot (and still, the line will still appear on the 'deconnexion' screen'). avast still works though, if i double-click on the antivirus again THEN the interface appears.... any idea ? have you heard of that before ?
my config : windoxs XP media center edition, avast home edition, kerio personal firewall, A² free... what else, i use firefox, windows live messenger (could it be that ?)