Starting from 20.7 (previously mentioned
here), Avast now stores most of its configuration settings (previously in avast5.ini / settings.ini) in registry. This is due to performance considerations of the ever increasing amount of settings we store and is a necessary optimization to keep things running smooth.
So in 20.7 you will
no longer find avast5.ini and most of other ini files in Avast’s Program Data folder; the new home for them is in Windows Registry at
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AVAST Software\Avast\properties. You can perform modifications using Windows Registry Editor or prepare .reg files to perform the modifications automatically; these can then be shared with other users as well. Note that Self-Defense must be turned off to perform the modifications (but you can turn it on automatically by including its SelfDefense=1 setting in the .reg file).
While this might break age-old habits, we believe this will significantly improve the performance of any settings-related tasks. INI files were comfortable to work with but they are inherently slow due to their text-encoded nature. This change enables easier automation of changes to settings - you can now send custom-tailored .reg files to other users who need your help with a more complex configuration without overwriting any of their other local settings (compared to replacing entire .ini files). The names and meaning of all setting section remain the same.
Hope it helps!