Author Topic: interference with MusicMatch JB??  (Read 4109 times)

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interference with MusicMatch JB??
« on: January 29, 2004, 06:34:54 PM »
I can no longer open the Music Download page in Musicmatch Jukebox  since installing Avast 4.0 Home.  Is the program interfering?  I use the firewall on my router, not the computer and have never had any trouble before.


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Re:interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 12:14:35 AM »
I can no longer open the Music Download page in Musicmatch Jukebox  since installing Avast 4.0 Home.  Is the program interfering?  

I doubt it.  Avast would not normally stop a page from opening unless it contained a detected virus in the html.
If you did not receive an "error message" from Avast, then I don't feel the cause of your problem lies there.

I would look to the firewall setting.  Simply enter MusicBox in the "approved sites" list.  Every firewall has something similar to this.

You should not have a problem after doing so.

If the problem persists, then right click on the A ball in the tray, and Stop the On Access Protection (Stop Provider).  If you then can go to Music Box, let me know and we can look into this further.

Good Luck


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Re: interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 09:49:36 PM »
 :-[ Help I'm having the same issue, I thought maybe it was music match 8.1 that's now old so I upgraded to music match ten.  Same problem it doesn't think I'm connected to the internet and won't get song information or updates or anything.

It acts like some kind of dislike.  Don't have any problems with itunes or walmart music store.  Thanks for the help


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Re: interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 11:05:18 PM »

Welcome to the forums, suemccartin.    :)

Perhaps, since itunes & walmart music store are not having problems, it is a problem with your firewall ... if you have one and I hope you do ... in that maybe it is not recognizing musicmatch JB. It could be a combination of the old JB not working anymore and the new JB not being let past the firewall ... or back in if you only have Windows firewall.

Have you tried the suggestions give in the post from Bye?

Are you getting any type of messages or warnings? If so, please post the exact text of those or, even better, a screen shot of any messages or warnings. Also, what OS, firewall, any other av program, etc.



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Re: interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 04:43:10 PM »
No error messages musicmatch just keeps telling me there's a problem with internet connectivity, the only thing it lets me do is upgrade to a new version....LOL.  Has no issues with that!

Firewalls....I'm using what's built into windows....I guess I'm kinda confused....I thought AVAST antivirus was a firewall with all the web protection and IM protection, etc. etc. etc.?  There's a hardware firewall built into my DFI router/access point, I've got spyware blaster and pestpatrol (which I really don't think catches a whole lot) with active scanning. And then I also use Adaware and Spybot every once in a while too but neither ever finds very much so the other stuff is keeping a lot of it off me.  It's really strange my laptop running home edition gets tons of malware with most of the same software in places (i.e. the same web pages) where my professional edition desktop doesn't catch the same bugs?  I don't have pest patrol on the laptop so maybe it's killing more than I think it is....don't know.

I have AVAST, home edition.  I'm kinda half curious to see if AVAST professional might fix the issue.  My laptop, that also has AVAST home has no issues at all with musicmatch.  What's really strange is, not only can't I get the music store or cd lookup to work in musicmatch (on the desktop), I also can't even get to the webpage from the desktop using IE or netscape 7.  It kinda acts like a DNS error but what's strange is my laptop using the same IP and modem and router (wirelessly) (if I'm not mistaken the router/access point is doing something with DNS servers too) can go right there, only difference between the two is that the laptop is running home edition and isn't running pestpatrol either (guess I need to look into that more, I did try shutting pestpatrol and everything else down, still didn't work). 

I have another machine running professional, I guess I should test and see if it can get to the musicmatch page via my router.  I've had an issue in the past with the same install of professional on the desktop where I couldn't get to certain pages, mindspring/earthlink support helped me change the DNS servers and then I could get there, I went to mindspring/earthlink and I think I found those numbers again and put them in but I still can't get to the musicmatch web page.  I've tried the two or three things they list on their web page tech support to fix the problem and none of those suggestions work. 

I kinda half suspect maybe this is an i.e. 6 problem even though that's been out so long you'd think they had all the bugs out of it by now but netscape can't go there either.  Who knows, could have been one of ms security updates for ie6  that broke it.  I've fiddled with security settings in avast, setting them low and normal, nothing's helped.

I just want to say that AVAST has been the best antivirus program that I've ever used.  I used to have norton, that thing has been so "picked on" and compromised (i.e stuff goes right around it specifically) by the virus writers that it misses tons of stuff that AVAST catches every time.  I can't tell you how many of my friends (who have Norton) have gotten infected and AVAST has been able to remove it from their hard drives with no issues at all (when norton couldn't even see it).  I recommend AVAST to all my friends and not just because it's free to the home user; I recommend it because it's an excellent product.  Thanks. 
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 05:10:36 PM by suemccartin »


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Re: interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2006, 05:02:18 PM »

Maybe then, it is a problem with an incomplete uninstall of Norton? Their products are infamous for leaving files and registry entries that interfer with any other av product. Perhaps this is also interferring with musicmatch?

DavidR supplies a link for removing Norton with an additional remover from Norton/Symantec in this post:



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Re: interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2006, 05:17:58 PM »

Maybe then, it is a problem with an incomplete uninstall of Norton? Their products are infamous for leaving files and registry entries that interfer with any other av product. Perhaps this is also interferring with musicmatch?

DavidR supplies a link for removing Norton with an additional remover from Norton/Symantec in this post:


Well that's a possibility I haven't investigated but it may be a little unlikely because musicmatch WAS working after Norton was removed and AVAST was installed.  The laptop also HAD norton at one time and AVAST is there now but I suppose anything could be possible if it depends on what other stuff might be installed on the machine and what's in the registry.  Yeah I know norton is a PITA I usually go through the registry and rip it out by the roots before I give someone a different firewall/antivirus software but I'll definetly go take a look at that info.  Thanks so much.


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Re: interference with MusicMatch JB??
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2006, 07:21:50 PM »
 :)  Hi Sue :

     Avast is NOT a firewall; best to have a "software" firewall,
     like Zone Alarm, Kerio or even the no-longer supported
     Sygate ; the latter can be found at .