Author Topic: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition  (Read 19387 times)

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Offline sergofun

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2007, 11:13:09 PM »
Tech, the words on picture says:
Command USER is not executed. Postal server localhost has answered: No POP server defined. Use real server address instead off in your account.

Tech, you overtaked my post :)

Vadim Mc says that he has a problem exactly with incoming mail Gmail on port 12110.

Vadim Mc, пожалуйста, дублируй свои сообщения переводом на английский, как, например, я этот свой пост :)
(Vadim Mc, plz, translate your posts on Egnlish like this one mine :) )
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 11:17:27 PM by sergofun »

Vadim Mc

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2007, 11:15:07 PM »
Vadim Mc, а почему бы не попробовать пообщаться на русскоязычном форуме ? :)
(Vadim Mc, why we can't discuss this subject on Russion language in the forum ? :) )
I solved this problem. I think that's interes for other users...
Can I write Russian that you translate my message to English?

Offline sergofun

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2007, 11:18:53 PM »
Vadim Mc, я постараюсь ;)
(Vadim Mc, I'll try ;) )

Vadim Mc

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2007, 12:42:46 AM »
Vadim Mc, я постараюсь ;)
(Vadim Mc, I'll try ;) )
Сергей, вкратце ситуация такая...
У нас локалка на статическом IP - т.е не DHCP.... В настройках руками пишется шлюз (gateway), адреса серверов DNS, и собственно сам адрес машины у меня он Натолкнуло меня на эту мысль упорное сообщение почтовика что адрес не является сервером
Я полез в stunnel.conf, прописал там ручками
accept  =ой статический IP адрес
connect =
delay = yes
Потом прописал в ТБ
servername -Мой статический IP
username -
Port - 12110
Использовать защищенное соединения - никогда
И все заработало, порты 110 (стандартный почтовый аккаунт) и 12110 (Gmail) отлично редиректятся и  сканируются......Поискал в AvastIni параметр DHCP - ничего не нашел.....
Так что вот такая вот загогулина, в случае статического IP адреса надо его а не localhost прописывать в TB и stunnel....Завтра проверю у друга работу с DCHP :)

Offline sergofun

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2007, 10:16:15 AM »
OK, see the translation of your last post has maded by myself :)

"Sergey, in brief the situation is...
We have local-area network on steady-state IP - i.e not DHCP.... In setting I wrote the floodgate (gateway), the addresses of DNS servers and the address of the my machine, beside me it's The stubborn that message mail contractor that address is not a server was promted me on such thought.
I edited the stunnel.conf and has prescribed there:
accept  = static IP adress
connect =
delay = yes
Then I prescribed in TB:
servername - static IP adress
username -
Port - 12110
Use protected join - never
After this all have worked, ports 110 (standard postal account) and 12110 (Gmail) have been redirected fine and scanned with avast!...... I has searched in avast.ini parameter DHCP and found nothing.....
So here is the solution, in the event of steady-state IP address it is necessary to prescribe it not in localhost but in TB and stunnel.... Tomorrow I'll examine how does DCHP work with such settings beside my friend :) "

Tech, thx again for your interesting and for your desire to help  :D

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2007, 03:31:11 PM »
accept  = static IP adress
I think it should be:
accept  =

servername -
I think it should be:
servername -

As far I can understand...
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Vadim Mc

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2007, 12:15:44 AM »
Dear Collegue! I find some think nuance with statical and dinamycal IP adress and stunnel and TB...
Dear SergFon - I wrote little article (Russian)  in this link - - please, if this information is interest to Avast, please translate it and add it in Faq or other themes about avast and ssl....I didn't find information about difference setup  IP and DHCP adress to Stunnel and TB on our forum...... Thank everybody very match!
Who is avast resseler in Saint-Peitrsburg, Russia? Give me contact infoirmation....I want suggest our CEO about futured our corprate antivirus system :)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 12:58:05 AM by Vadim Mc »

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2007, 01:07:14 AM »
I wish Alan could give us some light here...
It's a pity that we can't alert him by IM anymore  :'(
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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2007, 06:06:24 AM »

I am not sure which Alan you mean.

However, this Alan is very puzzled at the introduction of DHCP vs static IP into this issue. 

I will admit, again, that I have never used STunnel but this is just the plain old proxy issue with STunnel being the proxy.  I am very familiar with testing Thunderbird and various proxy chains with avast involved and I have reported on a number of them in this forum.  I find it hard to imagine how IP addresses are involved. 

Thunderbird works in no way different from any other mail client (they all have to work the same way since they are all implementing the old as dirt POP and SMTP protocols).

My last Russian lessons were almost 40 years ago and I last tested my Russian speaking ability in St. Petersburg (it had a different name at the time) 30 years ago.  So, I doubt that I will have much success in reading the discussion that has been mentioned.   

Vadim Mc

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2007, 09:26:59 PM »
Dear Moderators, U suggest final resume In FAQ this questions....
For correct work and scanning email with SSL connection on depend type of TCP address getting for local IP avast must has nest setting...
If yours  host get DHCP address from DHCP server the setting of ThunderBird and stunnel if you have SSL mail connection have standard parametrs descripioned in official FAQ
accept  = localhost:12110
connect =
delay = yes
servername - localhost
username -
Port - 12110
after this setting we added to redirecting ports port 12100 and avast normally scanning incoming email

If you have statical IP adress, no DHCP you must write next setting to stunnel and TB - you replace localhost  to yours staticla IP address
accept  =
connect =
delay = yes
servername - 10.126.12
username -
Port - 12110
after this setting we added to redirecting ports port 12100 and avast normally scanning incoming email for statical IP..... In another setting yours TB willn't correct when you turn avast.... I spent some hours, and solve this problem

« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 09:30:19 PM by Vadim Mc »

Vadim Mc

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2007, 09:38:48 PM »
  So, I doubt that I will have much success in reading the discussion that has been mentioned.   
I didn't understand mean this sentense....
In my case, when I have local statical IP adress I have problem with redirect ports from SSL to standart POP ports and TB and avast cooperative working.....
In other place, where is DHCP IP addresing order - TB + Stunnel  + avast work very nice with setting from FAQ....You understand difference statical and dynamical IP?

Vadim Mc

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2007, 12:59:33 AM »
Dear adminstarion!
Please don't get newbie the bad pictures and text in profile - I am not lamer...

Offline DavidR

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2007, 01:46:36 AM »
Click the Profile button at the top of every page, there you can change your 'Forum Profile Information' there, Personal Text: change to I'm a llama (It isn't lamer) there are no pictures in a Newbies Profile unless you add one, see image.
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Offline Bluesman

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2007, 06:39:25 PM »
Dear adminstarion!
Please don't get newbie the bad pictures and text in profile - I am not lamer...

It stands llama - not lamer :)

llama ->

But as DavidR told you, you can change the text to whatever you want :)
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Offline sergofun

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Re: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2007, 01:47:45 PM »
Dear SergFon - I wrote little article (Russian) in this link - - please, if this information is interest to Avast, please translate it and add it in Faq or other themes about avast and ssl....
Vadim Mc, извини, слишком много текста для перевода, я просто не располагаю таким количеством свободного времени. :-\
(Vadim Mc, I'm sorry. The article is too big and I don't have much time to tramslate it  :-\).