Avast Sensitive Data Shield scanner isn't working properly. I've made example files with ID, credit card details and something else, next i've used scanner to detect sensitive data, of course avast scanned all, but didn't find it them. I've placed files in My Documents folder with .txt extension, and tried 4 times with many ways such as: moving files, renaming them, adding some data in them, and nothing else happened, avast didn't detect any sensitive files. This is scam shield, don't work, or it's bugged and not working properly. Screenshot below.
Please see the FAQ under "Which files does Sensitive Data Shield protect?" https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/39/
The problem is, sensitive data scanner module seems like it is
really not working properly, I can say that because of my experience too. I have some pdf files that they are actually contain sensitive data like IDs, Health reports, etc. but sensitive data scanner does not catch them. Even they have sensitive names like eg. "Health Certificate.pdf" or "Citizenship Identity Card.pdf", Avast was not able to spot them, at least that was my experience.
Even if it can't find them, at least we should be able to add them manually under sensitive data shield. And seems like we can't add files manually to sensitive data shield. I think that should come as a feature too.