Lukas. Hasik, I'm a basic home user on my laptop and was wondering what was going on as I started getting a notification in my Avast interface yesterday telling me that virus definitions need updating and that I'm not protected, I ran the check for updates and it didnt do anything or offer to update that I'd normally expect after such a search. I have premium security version 23.10.6806, it tells me the release date was October the 9th 2023, so do I need to update to this latest version to carry on with virus definition updates to be covered for new viruses. As it says on the icon in my task bar that I am not protcted, does this mean not against any virus releases from now on, am sure my premium security is still working, TIA
Update, I clicked the link for on line update to newest 11 version just now, well twice, both times I got a box come up saying I need to connect to the internet for the udate to work, erm excuse me I am logged onto the net with my laptop, this is what I find frustrating as I am only a basic computer user and cant figure why this happens like this and never know how to reolve it. I tried to update in the interface, clicked update by programme , it was running a check for updates then nothing happened, no install or restart computor notice so that method is not working also the interface isnt working properly, trying to open the Avast interface either from the task bar on the icon itself, or right click then open or from desk top icon, it's taking so long to load I cannot get into to the interface. If the download had of worked am sure I would have been asked to restart my laptop. I'm leaving it for now as cant be bothered trying to fight it to find out whats going. on.