There are several here on the forum.
Just look at the launch and other topics, there are always people talking about it.
Several on the forums out of hundreds of millions of Avast users, can you not see the difference between a few in the forums.
Do the math here.
There are less than 15 active/regular posters on this forum even if we include Avast staff, and at least four or five have pointed out that they are experiencing this bug. Law of averages would tell us that the bug is affecting many many more users even if the average user doesn't ever open up their UI to look at anything, let alone the notifications, let alone the timestamp on said notifications.
A bug is a bug is a bug, regardless of how many people it's affecting and how many people are actively noticing it.
If you want to argue that the
severity of the bug means it shouldn't be treated with the highest priority (which no one is advocating for, to be clear. Just that it be acknowledged, which it was), then that's a different stance that I could agree with. But the number of people who pointed out the bug should be irrelevant.