I have the same problem. I have manually cleaned the registry, deleted some of the files but apparently something is still "running" recreating the t[1].txt and C:\windows\system32\x.exe
When x.exe is allowed to run even for 5 mins (i.e. when it's created, avasts pops up and I'm fast asleep at 3am) then svchost crashes and all hell breaks loose.
Needless to say I've double and triple checked ALL FILES created around the date I noticed the problem, I've manually checked every single file in system32 to make sure it's MS or whatever and not something offbeat.
I can't find the damn thing, it's driving me nuts. Of course I've scanned with 100 antivirus programs, malware, adware, spyware, whateverware. NOTHING.
Congrats to whoever made this, great job, I'd like to kill you!
So basically I hope you guys figure this one out soon... I'll keep watching.