Hi malware fighters,
The Conficker (Downadup) worm is spreading very rapidly all over the Internet, at the moment a mere 10 million computers have been infected. That is thrice as much as only four days ago. There are various varieties of Conficker and only the most active one is being monitored. Only the spreading of infections via the MS08-067 hole have been mapped (see added picture) As mentioned earlier in this thread the worm is also spreading through network folders and pen drives, etc.
The real number may be many times higher, because the worm is also infecting Intranets, where hundreds of machines are sitting behind one IP-address. F-Secure is warning the situation is getting worse and worse. While Symantic has played down this number considerably and estimations there are adding up to 4 million PCs infected.
On the map you see that the worm is actively spreading in the country of origin, China, were the hole was first published "in error" by a security firm, and also South America. But the worm has made victims everywhere and also the Netherlands were hit, there a dozen of firms and even some governmental institution had been infected,