I will need some more info to try and help you.
What version of Avast are you using? The most current is 4.0.229
Can you tell me if any errors are listed in the Avast Log Viewer? Go into the Main skin, right click on select Log Viewer. Let me know what appears under each category except Info.
If a progam does not respond, Windows XP will want to close it out and will pop up the box you describe. This is normal.
I am concerned with why Avast does not load and freezes.
Lets look into the error log first.
I also want you to go into the Main Skin, Updates and set both DB and Program to auto.
As for the little blue box that pops up advising you of updates and such......I have also clicked on it to no avail. This is a bug that I am sure the Avast Team is working on. It is really of little concern.
Lets try to get your Avast working first.
Do you use a firewall? If so, which one? You would need to set the FW to allow Avast access to the internet.
OH....one silly question. Did you ever have Avast work properly?
If so, did you make any system changes or add new programs after that time?