Author Topic: Windows 7 64 bit  (Read 3408 times)

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Windows 7 64 bit
« on: March 14, 2010, 02:22:13 PM »

HP Laptop with windows 7, 64 bit, Intel Duo.   Have installed Avast 5 free for some time now, have latest updates and all appears to be running ok, Avast says system is secured. But in Windows Security manager it says no Virus software is installed. Are there any changes to do to windows setup so that avast is detected.  I had previously uninstalled Norton that came with th Laptop when new, before I installed Avast.



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Re: Windows 7 64 bit
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 02:38:56 PM »
I guess Norton left some registries there... here you will find a list of uninstallers, download the one for Norton and try to remove of the leftovers there, then try an Avast repair in control panel/add and remove programs/look for avast 5/instead of uninstalling clic change/there look for repair + next... and tell us what happens.


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Re: Windows 7 64 bit
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 03:09:40 PM »
Thanks for the reply
I ran the unnistaller and all went OK and did the Avast repair and it went OK
On a closer look of problem my initial post is not correct.
When I go to Windows Control Panel and Security status it tells me all is OK and Avast is scanning OK.
I think this was the way it was before I ran the uninstaller, but the problem seems to be with HP Advisor software on the Laptop.
It is a HP laptop with HP advisor utility to monitor and setup the PC without going to windows control panel. In the HP Advisor there is a security shield icon and it is this that shows antivirus is not installed. So must be a HP problem ?????


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Re: Windows 7 64 bit
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 03:40:50 PM »
This happened to me in my sister's HP laptop computer, the HP advisor says I have no antivirus, the HP computers always come with Norton antivirus pre-installed and I guess that the HP advisor does not reconigze Avast 5.

I would say that if your HP laptop in Your security center detects Avast 5 as you antivirus and you antispyware protecting you, you should be all set.

Does any body can help me here if I am correct?



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Re: Windows 7 64 bit
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 08:59:13 PM »
I also notice in the Windows Security control it says Under Spyware and Unwanted software protection that Windows defender and Avast Antivirus are ON. It also says running 2or more antispyware programs at the same time can cause the computer run slowly.  Should I only be running 1 program ?? and which is best.  Is windows defender part of windows 7 ??


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Re: Windows 7 64 bit
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 09:23:58 PM »
Avast 5 antispyware and Windows defender get along very well and nobody is having problems by having them together.... no slow downs either.

You should be all set like that...r m


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Re: Windows 7 64 bit
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 09:24:54 PM »
Yes windows defender is part of Wndows 7 but as I said you will not have problemas by having them together....rm