Well, I'm not saying you should, as I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve...
Igor, I am testing various security software and combinations thereof to replace the security application(s) currently running on our systems.
And if you're testing the programs somehow, I think it's easier/faster to simply uninstall it and maybe reinstall later than trying to find and disable all its stuff... well, just my opinion.
This is a stripped down system, software-wise.
I had no difficulty locating and deactivating the drivers and other files (by vendor) for the installed AV/AS applications using Autoruns, then rebooted, used a utility to compare the loaded drivers after the reboot with those loaded before the deactivation with Autoruns and the deactivated drivers are no longer showing. The services were also disabled, including avastsvc.exe to my surprise, after the reboot. Using Autoruns may be the answer to the 2 remaining questions at the end of this post.
I hope to actively run some software or combinations for several days or weeks for compatibility and to compare results so that I might reach a decision as to what the most comfortable set up might be (user ease of use and my personal judgement of effectiveness).
Uninstalling any application, as you know, no matter how well written, and due to Windows' sloppiness, can leave trash in the registry. I have seen many registries with multiple entries when the same application has been installed, uninstalled, re-installed, uninstalled, etc. I want to avoid that and have less registry cleaning to do when the testing is done.
I know, clone the drive and restore after the testing. I have a clone before I began this testing. I will have various other well organized, well-documented clones during the testing, just in case things go afoul during testing, so that I do not need to reconfigure to a point just before the "event".
And to repeat from my previous message. If I can get an answer to the following, I believe that will do it for now. Mostly out of curiousity, because I have never had a program in which I could not disable its installed services using Admin Tools/Services.And two remaining questions from my original post.:
-Why can I not disable the services for Avast when I can do so for other AV/AS applications?
-Is there a way to make a change so that I am able to disable the Avast services?I appreciate your time in replying to my queries.
Many Thanks
Your reply was posted while I was typing the above reply. So you suggest that I not use Autoruns at all?
I do not understand "That are drivers entries that are recreated into the Autoruns list of drivers. One keep disabled, the other enabled.