Those who don't pay... live with what you pay for, which is nothing.
I am glad you do not run Avast!, then.
Neither AVG.
Which gives me "advantage" of seeing what things are: problems exist for every security vendor. And, it also allows me not to criticize lack of features, when these features are part of a product, for free.
It also allows me say it wouldn't be fair for others who use AVG, to start saying AVAST is selling two products (the paid antivirus and the internet security package) that has a component called "Behavior Shield", which with version 5.0 did nothing at all. And, which version 5.1, won't do much than that either.
It's part of the free avast! AV as well, but it also part of the paid products, and those who pay for avast!, are paying for a product that says it has XYZ component to protect them against ABC threat, which does nothing, at all.
Now, how fair would this be? See, examples can be found everywhere.
Or, would it be fair to point this: ?
It seems avast! free version has slower updates... so, why criticize how AVG provides the free version updates? It makes no sense.
The paid version has a sandbox... free version doesn't. So, why talking about the difference between AVG's free and paid products? Makes no sense.
It makes sense for the paid products to provide more features to those willing to pay for the product, being avast!, AVG, etc. It is what is suppose to be like. Or, should paid users have the same features as those who don't pay for it?
Heck, if you folks are avast! users and your friends/relatives too, then help make it a better product. Bashing one other product (which seems to be what is happening) won't make avast! be any better.
I have relatives with avast!, which is why I'm registered here... and if I see fit to provide some suggestion others haven't yet... or to enhance one... or post some issue one of them may be having, then I will... gladly.
What benefits would come out of such type of thread to avast! users? None.