Author Topic: Strange problem with avast UI text elements  (Read 20452 times)

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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2011, 07:04:37 PM »
Do you guys really think it's a problem with Windows system files?  avast is the only program I have seen that is having this problem.

I'm going to try an older version of avast and see if that works any better.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2011, 07:45:59 PM »
You could try the XP command that checks the protected files for integrity,
just in case something got screwed up.
Put the XP disk in the drive (exit the setup if it starts)
and from a command prompt run

Checking your system files with the XP media is only advisable when your media has the exact same system files currently installed in your system. If you have an old XP media, and you upgraded to, say, SP3 (by download), checking the system files might fail and actually make more problems by mixing files from different versions of XP.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2011, 11:45:56 PM »
I uninstalled the latest avast, rebooted, and installed version 5.1.889, and it still all looks the same.  I don't get it.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2011, 10:07:09 AM »
If you used to use older versions of Avast and the UI texts were readable before but now they aren't, then that may (not a certainty) point to a different direction other than Avast.

Some system problem, display theme, fonts, language, display drivers, gadget tools, some other compatibility problem coming from other tools...

I'm NOT saying this is not related to Avast "for sure"; and the possibility that Avast Team (or some other more experienced user in the forum) can help solve (workaround) this problem might still be opened, but other factors in your system might be related too (and Avast just arose the problem).


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2011, 07:55:11 AM »
If you used to use older versions of Avast and the UI texts were readable before but now they aren't, then that may (not a certainty) point to a different direction other than Avast.

Some system problem, display theme, fonts, language, display drivers, gadget tools, some other compatibility problem coming from other tools...

I'm NOT saying this is not related to Avast "for sure"; and the possibility that Avast Team (or some other more experienced user in the forum) can help solve (workaround) this problem might still be opened, but other factors in your system might be related too (and Avast just arose the problem).

You basically just said everything I already know.  This is such a mystery.

One day I just simply noticed that avast wasn't showing up in the system tray any more.  While perplexed as I was, I had enough going on that I didn't bother to look into it quite yet.  Days later I decided to make sure that it showed up in the system tray, and I did, but when I opened the UI, that's when I noticed that it looked all strange.  It was never the same.

I ran Malwarebytes a few times, and it'd pick up a couple of things now and then and remove them, though the stuff it picked up was stuff I had downloaded AFTER the problem with avast appeared, so I don't see any relation.

I just don't know.  AVG worked okay but it's just so annoying to work with.  I miss my avast.  I suppose I'll open an official ticket soon.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2011, 10:18:13 AM »
I'm basically out of ideas. I might have mentioned this before, but anyway...

Using the Clean Uninstall Utility for Avast under Windows Safe Mode DIRECTLY might help, if the problem is Avast-dependent.

What I mean is, do NOT UNinstall Avast using "Add/Remove Programs". Skip that step. Clear your web browser's cache, download (anew) the latest installer of Avast (currently there is a beta version with several bug fixes) and also the Clean Uninstaller (again, anew), both from Avast website (not some other repository).

So, with Avast still installed, boot into Windows Safe Mode and run from there the Clean Uninstaller Utility for Avast (sorry I repeat myself: NOT using the "Add/Remove Programs" but the utility directly).

Now reboot, close/exit any nonessential programs, and stay DISconnected from the Internet (which includes closing/disabling any type of connection, wired or not, but specially those not wired).

Please be sure to follow ALL those steps. Now install Avast and reboot again. Re-enable all the connections and *reboot again*.

Let Avast start and work for 10 minutes (as oppose to jump into Avast main GUI right after the reboot). I say 10 minutes not just as a random number.

I know it is a PITA. Just follow ALL steps, including the reboots (those you have been skipping before).

If this procedure fails (lets hope not), then Avast would be only showing you a problem in your system, and Avast is not necessarily the program causing it.

In any case, please report back your results.

Offline davexnet

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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2011, 10:21:40 AM »
I've never had a problem running sfc /scannow, even with a back leveled xp disk.
When the servicepack(s) are installed, the i386 folder relating to the sp level
is usually kept on the HDD and it's accessed when checking the files,
along with the dllcache folder.

It may not relate to the OP's problem at all, but I thought it worth a mention,
due to the strangeness of the symptoms.
AMD FX-4300 4GB DDR3
avast free 2279 (Windows XP), MBAM free


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2011, 11:02:11 AM »
I've never had a problem running sfc /scannow, even with a back leveled xp disk.
When the servicepack(s) are installed, the i386 folder relating to the sp level
is usually kept on the HDD and it's accessed when checking the files,
along with the dllcache folder.

It may not relate to the OP's problem at all, but I thought it worth a mention,
due to the strangeness of the symptoms.

Your comment is appropriate, and a system files check may have place here. The only problem with that is, as I said, system files that were updated by some SP (for example) while checking against an older XP CD. The older checksum has no method to verify that the current installed system files came from a valid MS update, and in some cases it might consider them as wrong / invalid and replace them with the older version from the XP CD.

That's why I said that the check should be made with a CD of the same EXACT version *currently* installed. With so many "little" differences between x32 / x64, Windows built-in encryption / regular (normal), languages (and MUIs), SPs and other automatic MS updates, distribution types and Windows editions, the system files checks are being much less "reliable" using an old CD, and the consequences (changes) are usually not revised be the final user.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2011, 03:08:58 PM »

I know it is a PITA. Just follow ALL steps, including the reboots (those you have been skipping before).

I'll follow your new steps exactly, although I feel the need to iterate that this is the 2nd or 3rd time you have implied (or in fact directly stated) that I have been trying to fix things without rebooting.  With only a very few exceptions, I've been rebooting very, very frequently throughout many steps trying to solve this (and other) issues.  In one case, I mentioned that my computer almost seemed to be degrading in performance after so many reboots, to which you implied that my lack of rebooting after making "deep" changes could cause trouble.  I am rebooting.  A lot.

Anyway, I'll try those steps asap.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2011, 05:26:33 PM »

Please let me be clear. Almost all my comments about reboots are not related to you in particular. You wouldn't believe how many times users come here asking for "urgent help", and they actually skipped the needed reboot (which in fact turns to solve their "urgent" problem).

With so many procedures as in your system, it is very common to see users not being patient enough to reboot when they should, even when they are instructed to. When I request to reboot, is because I expect from the user to reboot and I'd rather avoid the assumption that the user will do that "by itself".

Since we are in a forum with many different types of users, more skilled or not so much, and with different levels of English language domain, I have the tendency of writing the reboot request when it is supposed to be done, most specially when troubleshooting. Some users might misunderstand being specific and writing specific steps one by one as if I (as an example) would have some kind of "attitude", or condescending.

I can only tell you that this is a misunderstanding from their part. I'd rather write more and be specific, than to assume that other forum member already "knows everything". All is done with help in mind, and only that.

If I had the impression that you skipped some reboots, it is only because you said so, together with the comment about being tired of so many reboots.

Several comments from you that are related to reboots and/or running the appropriate tools from Safe mode:
Okay, I uninstalled AVG normally (although it wasn't very normal, since the uninstaller wouldn't stop the AVG watchdog service and I had to look up special instructions on how to stop it so that I could uninstall).  I [only] then rebooted in safe mode ...
I restored all of the default system fonts from the Windows XP disc.  I haven't rebooted yet...

If I got the wrong impression, I apologize. In any case, as I said, almost all my comments are NOT based on impressions, but on actual technical recommendations and experience in computer-related forums.

So, please let's concentrate on the technical matters so we can solve your problem.

(BTW, replacing "system" fonts needs to be done from an independent OS / boot. There are workarounds to correctly do it directly under Windows).


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2011, 06:33:07 PM »
Well, first of all, you say "several" while I only see two, and the second one doesn't mean that I didn't reboot.  It just means that I didn't reboot YET.  All I was doing was letting you know where I was in the procedure given the time I had to work on it at that particular moment.  As for the first one you quoted, all I was doing was following your instructions, but apparently I misunderstood this line:
before trying Avast again, "really" uninstall AVG by first the "Add/Remove programs" and second by the adequate uninstaller under Windows Safe Mode.
.  Because of how you said it, I thought you meant to "uninstall AVG by first the Add/Remove programs" and "second by the adequate uninstaller under Windows Safe Mode".  So perhaps I misunderstood, but all I was doing was following your instructions as best as I could.

Although, the method by which I uninstalled AVG shouldn't have mattered anyway. The problem with avast appeared long before AVG ever even touched my system, so it obviously wasn't involved with the issue.  Granted an incomplete uninstall of AVG could lead to possible other issues with an avast installation afterward, it still would have been unrelated to the problem at hand.

Anyway, just to clear everything up and get back on track, I do reboot after making changes, and even if I don't have time to reboot right at that moment, I'll always do it later before even considering process completed.

The point I'm right now is that I uninstalled avast yesterday, although I have not yet rebooted (BUT WILL before trying anything else).  As of now I have zero leads.

Anyway, I appreciate your continued support.  Misunderstandings happen.  We move on.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2011, 12:56:47 AM »
OK. I'll wait for your next report after performing the rest of the suggested steps. I can assure you, this topic will be revisited in the future, even if we can't find a solution nor workaround (but let's hope we do :) ).


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2011, 01:09:20 AM »
I just remember that you have installed different versions of Avast during your tests. So, when you run the Clean Uninstall Utility for Avast under Windows Safe Mode, please run it twice. First for 6.0, then reboot (necessary before the next run) again into Safe Mode, and run it again for 5.0.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2011, 01:12:13 AM »
I'm honestly probably not going to bother with it any more.  I still haven't come to a decision, but I'm considering just installing Windows 7 Pro and using it as a trial for a while to see if it fixes all of my problems, including the avast one.

I'll let you know my decision.


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Re: Strange problem with avast UI text elements
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2011, 01:41:29 AM »
OK. A clean install of the OS should clear the air (if there are available working drivers and you have enough system resources). An upgrade from a previous version of Windows (as oppose to a clean install of Seven) might not be the best path for a system having problems, specially when the final goal is to have a more stable system.

About your comment in relation to removing any remants of AVG (or any other security tool for that matter), you can always get into Windows Safe Mode and rerun the respective removal tool. Granted, the ideal method should be the "Add/Remove Programs" control panel, but once the normal method is not enough, you can run the specific removal tool from Safe Mode as many times as you need.

To be clear, if "everything" works as expected, use the "Add/Remove programs" method, and only *then* use the specific removal utility from Windows Safe mode. This minimizes the chances of problems. But once problems are already there, the specific removal utility under Windows Safe Mode is your best bet. If you need/want to run the removal tool *again* under Safe mode, there are no "cons" for the system from the second run and up.

This is valid for all security tools. So, if you might have any doubts about your previous AVG, or all those versions of Avast, simply select the correct version/release/edition and run the removal tool under Safe Mode.

I still think that something about your *system* fonts and display driver might be involved. I don't remember if you already tried with low resolution, default Windows display driver (instead of the specific driver for your video), and default dpi font display.

Effectively replacing the *system* fonts files is "tricky", because it may "seem" like a simple replace of font files, and the user might not notice any problems, but this is not always "actually" successful (while the user thinks it was). Some cases are OK, but not all.