Author Topic: avast 6 - Office Click to Run  (Read 33908 times)

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Re: avast 6 - Office Click to Run
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2012, 05:02:59 AM »
Sorry to reply to myself, but just an update....

I have left avast! with that one box of the Behavior shield unchecked and that has clearly solved the issue. As it had recurred sometimes after a few days, I had this fear, early on, that the problem would show back up, but it hasn't.

Today, avast! support replied to the ticket I put in earlier. Basically, they said there will be changes to the Behavior Shield in avast! 7 and that I should wait and see if that resolves the issue. I understand that.... With a new release coming out, no need to try to fix a problem in the soon to be old version....

That does bring up a question. Things I have seen in these forums and even the tone of the support reply indicate that there have been some problems with the Behavior Shield being imperfect. So, has the Behavior Shield had issues? I am not asking to complain, but rather trying to find solace that other had issues with that shield as well...


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Re: avast 6 - Office Click to Run
« Reply #61 on: February 01, 2012, 06:37:50 AM »
That does bring up a question. Things I have seen in these forums and even the tone of the support reply indicate that there have been some problems with the Behavior Shield being imperfect. So, has the Behavior Shield had issues? I am not asking to complain, but rather trying to find solace that other had issues with that shield as well...
Its not that it causes regular conflict problems.  It has just so far been more or less useless in the eyes of us users.  There are apparently things that it does "under the hood", so to speak, involving auto-subission of suspicious files for further analysis.  But it is utterly passive in its default auto-decide mode, it detects/blocks nothing that I have ever seen or heard of.  So its hard to have faith in a feature you are not seeing direct results with.


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Re: avast 6 - Office Click to Run
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2012, 10:19:03 PM »

I do have the one box unchecked ('Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications') as that is the only way I can get consistant printing. Once I check that, my printing dies either later that day or the following day.

Well all good things come to an end...My system is now doing the same thing..not sure what changed but I'm glad I was in this thread so the solution was easy... :)