Author Topic: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission  (Read 57862 times)

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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 02:19:34 PM »
I think there's a timeout on the opt-out check box for Chrome. When I booted my computer this morning it displayed the 'Finalize Upgrade' screen and clearly showed the option to opt-out of the Chrome install.
However, I had already stood up from my desk and was walking out of the room, so figured I'd untick the boxes when I returned.  Imagine how irritating it was to come back into the room JUST in time to see the window automatically close and begin to install Chrome!  I must have left it for about 60 - 120 seconds before this happened.

I agree with what the OP said: Abusing the fact that your application already has system admin privileges in order to install 3rd party software does not foster a trusting relationship.  I understand that this is partly how you fund your free edition of the software, but in truth it's done you no favours.  I was honestly about to purchase the Pro version of Avast this morning, but after this I've decided to give NOD32 v5 a trial.  I would rather give my money to an organisation without ulterior motives.
(I know this sounds like an overreaction, and in some ways it probably is.....but in my experience, this sort of thing is a slippery slope and can get worse very quickly.)


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 02:27:35 PM »

I'm not excusing avast, and is not my intention to open some useless discussion. You indeed have / had a problem, a PITA. But a bug (or bugs) in the installer / updater for this new release is not an indication of what avast policy was and is about bundling software, advertisements and things of that sort.

I  completely understand the frustration with these problems and the time invested to solve them, but a bug is not a policy, nor a full impression of the usual normal quality of avast. It is a bug (or bugs), and not a minor one IMHO, but not more than that.


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2012, 03:37:52 PM »
One more dissatisfied user here!  Avast notified me that it wanted to install Version 7.  NOTHING ABOUT CHROME!!  Then after it installed 7 a screen pops up asking if I wanted to install Chrome.  I responded NO and the then the 7 installation wanted me to click "Finish."  When the screen  cleared there was a Chrome icon on the desktop.  Ran Revo Uninstaller and after it removed the Chrome files the computer locked up and had to be rebooted.  This is just bull puckey!! :-*

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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2012, 03:40:50 PM »
Sure it's annoying if installer mocks up a bit but how hard can it be to remove Chrome anytime later? It's just an app like any other. It's not some spyware or something. You just go to Porgrams and Features and remove it there.
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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2012, 04:47:55 PM »

The situation will only get worse, as more people start getting the update notifications, there are many times more Chrome users than Avast, which a substantial percentage with Avast installs; lot of those people do not have the technical skills of the general poster in this forum.  Its a trickling now, but it has the potential to be must worse. 
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 04:51:27 PM by Alievitan »


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2012, 06:36:28 PM »
There is definitely some issue with the opt-out screen (beside the fact that it really should be opt-in if you want users to trust you).

I did my Avast update this morning and got the Chrome opt-out screen.  Spent a few seconds looking at it and figuring out what it was asking me.  Then, as soon as a clicked the check box next to "Install Chrome" (Don't know the exact working). The dialog disappeared.  I didn't get time to see what the second check box was for, and I didn't select the "finish" button.   A message box came up that said something to the effect "this may take a while."

I opened the task manager and sure enough there was a process named, as I recall, chrome_avt running under the system account.  I couldn't kill it.  I ended up power cycling my computer to stop it.

I used to recommend Avast.  I won't be doing that anymore.  I just don't trust it after this happened and I see all the issues others had.


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2012, 06:45:13 PM »
There is definitely some issue with the opt-out screen (beside the fact that it really should be opt-in if you want users to trust you).

I did my Avast update this morning and got the Chrome opt-out screen.  Spent a few seconds looking at it and figuring out what it was asking me.  Then, as soon as a clicked the check box next to "Install Chrome" (Don't know the exact working). The dialog disappeared.  I didn't get time to see what the second check box was for, and I didn't select the "finish" button.   A message box came up that said something to the effect "this may take a while."

I opened the task manager and sure enough there was a process named, as I recall, chrome_avt running under the system account.  I couldn't kill it.  I ended up power cycling my computer to stop it.

I used to recommend Avast.  I won't be doing that anymore.  I just don't trust it after this happened and I see all the issues others had.

Yep, they've turned into a crapware company now, no turning back.  Pissing off chrome users by damaging their profiles, and now known for installing 3rd party software without permission.  Great job Avast, really, it takes quite a lack of forethought to screw up this much at once.


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2012, 07:17:22 PM »
I didn’t see any check box it installed google chrome but not only that it set for default browser so no updates from Microsoft if this happens until you set internet explorer back to default.
If you try to get the updates from Microsoft using chrome it tells you to install IE8 this you already have lmfao so for newbies this would be confusing.
I’m off to uninstall chrome.


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2012, 07:44:46 PM »
The install welcome screen launched and before I had time to read the screen the install started never a chance to opt-out or configure the install. Must be a bug with the automatic program update feature. But I did not manually download the file and install. Maybe its not quite ready to be a finely release yet. Program does seem to be running correctly after manually re-configuration all settings.

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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2012, 08:01:10 PM »
Although I feel for those having issues with the "Chrome" thing. And I agree it should be an "opt-in" and not an "opt-out".
It is known throughout the web that some companies do "pay per opt-in" agreements. On the other hand how difficult can it be to
uninstall any software. avast also adds an "option" via the GUI. GUI>Settings>Troubleshooting>untick the Chrome option.
And Control Panel>Program and Features/Uninstall>double click "avast">scroll to change>re-boot.
One question...does Chrome really take up much HDD space? Not really. I use Chrome to confirm or not confirm an issue another
user has with Chrome. In reality Chrome causes no harm just setting there on yours or my machine.  :)
Dell Inspiron, Win10x64--HP Envy Win10x64--Both systems Avast Free v17.9.2322, Comodo Firewall v8.2 w/D+, MalwareBytes v3.0, OpenDNS, Super Anti-Spyware, Spyware Blaster, MCShield, Unchecky, Vivaldi Browser and, various browser security tools.

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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2012, 10:54:50 PM »
One question...does Chrome really take up much HDD space? Not really. I use Chrome to confirm or not confirm an issue another
user has with Chrome. In reality Chrome causes no harm just setting there on yours or my machine.  :)

I don't think its the chrome as much as the just going ahead and installing it. I had chrome installed and it was re-installed. All personal setting reverted. I go to google for chrome. I go to avast for viruses protection. If you look at this way, why is avast adding a larger download. If its a matter of avast!free advertising supported by google.

If I could get avast!free real time malware protection and nothing more I may be inclined to pay a yearly subscription. I have a firewall I have chrome. I don't need cloud streaming it kills my ISP allowed monthly bandwidth. But I can shut them off and get the great avast protection. Well as long as the opt out is there. It would be nice if it was there before the larger download. I mean not bounded with chrome. I just got done downloading the latest version of chrome. why again??


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2012, 03:24:52 AM »
I just updated  Avast on a win7x64 system. After the initial download/reboot, there was a window while the update continued (Comodo showed that there was a download in progress). A second window appeared touting the new features, which I started to read, but it disappeared before I had time to more than start it. When it was done, Chrome had been installed on my system.

I find this to be totally unprofessional and unacceptable. It is bad enough when a company includes a third party install with opt-in preselected. But to proceed with the installation without a 'next' or 'ok' by the user is over the line.

I no longer trust Avast. Which is too bad, as I have used it for a number of years and, as a computer professional, have happily recommended it to others and installed it on client machines. No longer. As I never run an install or update without first cloning my machine, I do have the option of restoring my pre-update system. The restore is running as I write this note. When it is finished, I shall start researching a replacement program. Good thing there was a PCMag review of free av programs in the past week. Once I have selected a new AV, Avast will be off both my desktop and my laptop.

Good going, Avast.


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2012, 08:54:08 AM »
On the other hand how difficult can it be to uninstall any software.

It can be quite a challenge to nearly impossible in some cases. Did you ever try uninstall an early version (3 or 4) of IE?  But really this is missing the point entirely.  If you want to pretend to be in the security game, you have to be trust worthy.  What if they had installed some spyware or a keyboard logger or a root kit?  Would we be saying "well just uninstall it afterwards?  No.  And quite frankly I don't see the difference any software installed without my permission breached my trust.

And of course windows software almost never uninstalls every trace cleanly.  If you don't want it is better to not have installed it in the first place.

One question...does Chrome really take up much HDD space?

Again with missing the point.  Who should be making the final decision of what gets installed in the limited space on my HDD? Me. Not Avast. How much space do I want Chrome taking up on my HDD? 0 bytes.

Who should be in control of what downloads are taking up my limited bandwidth? Me. Not Avast.

Anyway, I am done with it.  I voted with my dollars.  A competitors product has been purchased, and I spent my day freeing all of my computers of the Avast malware.


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2012, 03:37:22 PM »
It is not merely that Chrome is installed without permission, as aggravating as that is (and IT IS). Some senior people on this page have said, "After all, how hard is it to simply uninstall it if you don't want it?" Well, I had previously installed Chrome on one of my eight computers, tried it and decided I didn't want it. Uninstalled it, only to find that after it was uninstallled, it left bits and pieces all over my machine. It did nt do a "clean" uninstall, which is why I did not want it to install this time. VERY UNHAPPY. 


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Re: Avast 7 installs chrome without permission
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2012, 05:19:26 PM »
I am immensely annoyed. I already had chrome installed, so no issue with that (although I do not remember seeing an opt in matter).

The thing is that this has removed all of my extensions, and extensions saved settings.
This is really really bad - specifically, I had a tab manager installed with about 10 different saved sessions, each with in the region of 20 tabs. Now that this has been removed, I have no way of recovering those 200 different tabs, all vital to me in one way or another.

I can deal with stealthy installs (as it appears to be a bug that I did not see the opt out screen...I definitely didn't see it). What I cannot deal with is avast installs being untested enough to remove my data. I anticipate spending the rest of the day in a data recovery program and once I finished I think I'm going to have to both look elsewhere for my AV and stop recommending avast.

To avast: I doubt you want your program removing user data. Perhaps you might want to look into that before other users get as angry as I am.