Author Topic: I'm Clueless on this - help  (Read 36841 times)

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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #60 on: January 13, 2005, 12:18:16 PM »
And do please stay around because as S J Craftec says, other people have been having this problem and sooner or later the Alwil programmers will be able to identify it and fix it.  They don't usually take long:)

Just in case it's relevant, which firewall are you using?  And is the XP firewall switched off? (it should be if you're using another firewall, you don't need two running).

Gillie2tat, you are very correct about running two firewalls. That's worst think you could do... same thing with running two antiviruses in the same time on the same machine (actually, only if both have resident shields running), but in case with Windows SP2 built in firewall, it really doesn't matter. You can freely enable it, and run another external firewall, that's actually, what Microsoft advise their users. Windows SP2 has just inbound protection, so having some full product sitting next to SP2 firewall is very much desired.

I run Sygate free version 5.6 with SP2 without any single problems... I know for some other people, and they also don't have any problems with it...

Cheers !

P.S. This time I really think, his problems is connected to the fact that all of them (many people with ACTSKIN4.OCX problems) runs preinstalled version of Windows...


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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #61 on: January 13, 2005, 01:32:50 PM »
the only firewall on here is the windows firewall .
when i go to "windows security center"
it tells me "windows firewall is on"
"Automatic updates is on" and "virus protection is on" which is says is advast

I'm off to workl - I'll be checking in later, thank You
I didn't not think this was going to be a big problem here.....

all I had to do is unistall Norton an Install Advast ....
Where could I have gone wrong ?


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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #62 on: January 13, 2005, 01:43:56 PM »
Zeus, stop blaming yourself... you are not the one that made a wrong move... most likely. It's well known problem on some people's systems, and we and Alwil guys are well aware of that. It's not a bug, but rather something that at this point can be characterized as "ACTSKIN4.OCX-not-able-to-register-itself mistery". I strongly believe they're already working on solving this problem, so we'll see... just be patient, and everything will be ok, I promise...  ;)

Vlk and bunch of other guys from Alwil never left us alone... sometimes, solving some problem takes some serious time, but hey... think about all those things they have to do, and they still have enough time for everybody. Great programmers with great bunch of users and forum members !

Cheers !
« Last Edit: January 13, 2005, 01:47:02 PM by S.Z.Craftec »


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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #63 on: January 16, 2005, 06:36:00 AM »
Okay Guys and Dolls
here s my update ...
I totally restored my computer
which means ....Advast is out and
Norton is in.....
what a headache I had trying to get Advast installed
But just wanna says thanks to all who tried to help
Thanks Again MaryE
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 06:59:30 AM by zeus »


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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2005, 08:29:47 AM »
The sad part of that is you now have wasted your time and ours, ???
 and Avast! will probably install flawlessly now that you have re-installed windows.


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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2005, 02:34:09 PM »
Excuse me Cloussau - where did I waste your time...
I don't see a post as to where you tried to help me out.
Next time give your 2 cents at the beginning , not at the end of a
trend , especially stating I wasted your time.

And believe I have stated in a few post how THANKFUL I am to all who tried to help me out .
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 03:02:47 PM by zeus »


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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2005, 08:38:20 PM »
Hello Zeus,

Sorry things didn't work out as planned with Avast. I read...
I used to have similar problems like that to, after a "remove" of Norton which obviously didn't complete succesfully! But normally after a clean install of Windows you shouldn't have any problems,...

I suggest you keep using the software you are used to. You know computers, isn't sometimes as obvious and joyfull as it might seem.
And basically you are not wasting someones time,...cause it that would be the case people should not respond to your threads,....



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Re: I'm Clueless on this - help
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2005, 07:17:11 AM »
forgive me if i mislead you , i referred to our time as the forum members time collectively and although i didnt contribute personally i saw no need as i felt you were in good hands. Most people here have memories of norton and want nothing more than to spread the word and help. please call back occasionally in case Avast team find a fix for this flaw.