Author Topic: Javascript and IE6  (Read 15855 times)

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S. ONeil

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Javascript and IE6
« on: October 08, 2003, 05:53:13 PM »
Quick question.  I installed Avast yesterday.  Am very happy/impressed.  I've encountered a slight problem with IE6 on XP since though.  Javascripting has suddenly stopped working in IE.  I had to use Netscape to get here because of it.  IE will show pages but anything driven by javascript (links, buttons, etc...) will not work what so ever.  I have combed through Avast to see if there is a setting for the amount of protection for IE.  Can anyone offer a solution?  I prefer to use IE.

I have already tried:

Rebooting (goes without saying)
Going over all the advanced settings in internet tools regarding javascripting
Repairing IE6 via the add/remove panel

My next step, although not preferable, is to manipulate the registry into allowing me to reinstall IE6 to perhaps fix what got dumped somewhere.  Any suggestions/help before I resort to this would be so appreciated.  Thanks!   :-*

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2003, 06:55:08 PM »
If you have avast Pro, it's probably some problem in the Script Blocker installation. Given your post you're probaly an experienced user so I'll go straight to the point. Try to run

regsvr32 /u <avast-path>ahascr.dll

This will unregister the script blocker and all scripts should be OK.
Now, you can try to re-enable the Script Blocker by issuing the command

regsvr32 <avast-path>ahascr.dll


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S. ONeil

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 11:19:26 PM »
Are you ready for this?

Avast was NOT the problem - NORTON'S was!

My frustrations mounted after posting.  I am running the free home version of Avast.  I'm sorry I didn't mention that in my original posting.  I went to the registry and changed the registry string value from 1 to 0 - that would allow me to reinstall IE6.  Reinstalled the bugga.  Still no good.  Then I made sure all of the following dll's were succeeded


and found that the Msjava.dll was mysteriously missing.  Okay, so I obtain that dll from another pc on my home network.  Simple enough.  Succeed that dll - still no good.

I conceded to the fact that I was going to have to do a roll back using the roll back feature in XP.  Guess what!  All the $#%*&$ help menus and search menus in XP are javascript driven - Yeeee Haaaa  :-X

Okay, so you get the picture.  Couldn't open help, couldn't search for files - Loads of frustrations etc...

I had to remove Avast  :'(  and reinstall Norton's VIRUS antivirus.  Now everything is running properly.  I am so angry with Norton's.  Anything that will wipe out your major operating files when you do a standard remove through the uninstall process in my book is virus in and of itself.

I sincerely would love to have Avast running again in my pc, but I am, understandably, a little timid about repeating what happened today.  I'm going to write Symantec a very harsh letter concerning this.  What kind of hacking software threatens the stability of your system because you choose to uninstall it??  I'd be titillated if they can send me a valid reason.

Any how, thought I'd post this so others could see the potential of Norton's should they be debating over AV apps.  From this user to others ....  USE AVAST!  Stay away from Norton's!

I'm stuck - I have been given no choice but to run Norton's until I reformat.  Believe me, when I do, I will be putting Avast in!

Thanks  :-* :-* :-*

Offline Lisandro

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2003, 03:56:36 AM »
Any how, thought I'd post this so others could see the potential of Norton's should they be debating over AV apps.  From this user to others ....  USE AVAST!  Stay away from Norton's!
I'm stuck - I have been given no choice but to run Norton's until I reformat.  Believe me, when I do, I will be putting Avast in!

OOOhhh, noooooo....  >:(
Norton again!!!
Get away from it!!!  >:(

The monster of the monsters... Never get out of the registry... unless a lot of work can be done... But be happy, I´m here because I get rid from Norton, after Vlk precious help, lots of lost hours... But I´m here, I´m avast!  ;)
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S. ONeil

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2003, 05:37:19 AM »
Is there a 'safe' way to remove Norton's?  My son's pc was rendered useless after a Norton removal attempt.  Had to back him up and reformat him.  Please, if you know of a sure/safe method, please do share  :)

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2003, 09:09:41 AM »
« Last Edit: October 09, 2003, 09:11:40 AM by minacross »


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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2003, 09:49:15 AM »
It takes extra time, but anytime you install something major you might consider using a program like Install Watch or Inctrl to create a personal log of what changes just in case you need to track down a problem such as this that may be buried.  It may not help you now, but something in the future to consider.  

Norton manual unistall is a real pain.  I've done it a few times too many as far as i'm concerned.   It ranks right up there with the Zone Alarm days.

Offline Lisandro

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2003, 01:52:07 PM »
Is there a 'safe' way to remove Norton's?  My son's pc was rendered useless after a Norton removal attempt.  Had to back him up and reformat him.  Please, if you know of a sure/safe method, please do share  :)

1. Use the Control Panel to remove NAV (it´s not necessary to remove other applications from the Norton SystemWorks).
2. Boot
3. Use RNAV2003 to remove traces of NAV into your registry (see Freeware completely compatible with avast! on XP Pro for links to download;action=display;threadid=834;start=new).
4. Boot
5. Do not remove manually or using another software the Registry keys, it´s not necessary and may be dangerous.
6. Install avast! (answer Yes for the presence of another av, in this case traces of NAV).
7. Boot
8. See DOS under XP / NAV for changing registry "corrupted" keys bys NAV;action=display;threadid=259;start=0
9. Make a test (see links at;action=display;threadid=834;start=new).

For me, this adventure was enough and works. Good luck  ;)
Just answer me any more question... I´ll be back...  ;D
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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2003, 04:26:27 PM »
(for the archives as no one is reporting this in 4.1.280)

Have found i could emulate this problem by installing the PRO version, and then using a HOME key to validate AVAST beyond the trial.  (ver 4.1.268)
It appears that durring the coversion from pro to home there was an issue.

The symptoms are:
JS links do not work in IE (any version so far)
under HELP -> About the information fields are empty.
No version number, not cypher strength.

Have tried the suggested regsrv32 /u fix, and it does not always unload the dll. Have not yet found a pattern to this. (whether it unloads or not)
The only fix I have found is to use XPLITE and unisntall IE and then re-install.



Offline Lisandro

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2003, 04:42:19 PM »
Have found i could emulate this problem by installing the PRO version, and then using a HOME key to validate AVAST beyond the trial.  (ver 4.1.268)
It appears that durring the coversion from pro to home there was an issue.

Your signature is really descriptive: To Insanity and Beyond!...
Anyway, thanks for reporting a simulate trouble.

Have tried the suggested regsrv32 /u fix, and it does not always unload the dll. Have not yet found a pattern to this. (whether it unloads or not)
The only fix I have found is to use XPLITE and unisntall IE and then re-install.

Do you try to unregister the dll with a good avast! installation or with the simulated one?  ;)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 04:47:36 PM by Technical »
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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2003, 02:37:53 AM »
First of all: I'm not exactly a rocket-scientist on this one, but in addition to what has been said about removing Norton, check this:
I also had to uninstall it before using another AV-prog.
What worked was this:Boot in safe mode, disable the "guard", disable the auto-restore function in Windows-XP (!), uninstall Norton, do a reg-clean with JV16 power-tools (fully automatic mode), empty TIF/TEMP, defrag, install Avast! and... tadaa.
After all of this, re-enable the auto-restore function and that's it.
Or, at least, should be it...


« Last Edit: October 23, 2003, 02:39:57 AM by Fast »


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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2003, 03:06:57 AM »
dunno where you get are getting 'simulate' from. Are you thinking of 'stimulate'?   :D  LOL
Maybe I should have used replicate rather than emulate.
Not that it matters at all.

The purpose of the post was to give those who may do a 'search' for this problem some more information to help diagnose it and to give a fix that has been tested. Thus, it's for the archives.
It's not a Norton issue, it's a script issue. which is the name of the thread.

Do you try to unregister the dll with a good avast! installation or with the simulated one?  
Not sure i understand the _point_ of this question. Why would one want to unload the .dll in a working installation?

Offline Lisandro

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2003, 03:23:23 AM »
First of all: I'm not exactly a rocket-scientist on this one, but in addition to what has been said about removing Norton, check this:
I also had to uninstall it before using another AV-prog.
What worked was this:Boot in safe mode, disable the "guard", disable the auto-restore function in Windows-XP (!), uninstall Norton, do a reg-clean with JV16 power-tools (fully automatic mode), empty TIF/TEMP, defrag, install Avast! and... tadaa.
After all of this, re-enable the auto-restore function and that's it.
Or, at least, should be it...



This procedure is good, but Norton is bad  >:(
You won't succeed for some Registry keys like:

Please S. ONeil, come back to your forum and tell us what is happening...
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Offline Lisandro

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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2003, 03:32:17 AM »
Not sure i understand the _point_ of this question. Why would one want to unload the .dll in a working installation?
Sorry for my mess about emulate and stimulate... The question does not make any sense after that...  :'(

It's not a Norton issue, it's a script issue. which is the name of the thread.
See what S. ONeil posted: Avast was NOT the problem - NORTON'S was![/i]  :o
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Re:Javascript and IE6
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2003, 04:15:38 AM »
See what S. ONeil posted: Avast was NOT the problem - NORTON'S was!  
Thanks Technical, but I do read the posts.

The issue I am writting about has nothing to do with notron.
None of the computers have ever had any norton's on them.
It has to do with a older version of Avast affecting IE with the symptoms I have described.   :)

