Author Topic: VERY frustrated  (Read 24357 times)

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VERY frustrated
« on: November 04, 2003, 05:22:40 PM »
I cannot get my email to work...I still have to manually activate the icons...and, at this point, I don't even know if my email--actually, my whole computer is safe.

So I am going to reread the manual and all the posts to my first request for help and see if I can correct whatever needs corrected.
I don't know what else to do...
CoJo :'(


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2003, 05:32:00 PM »

I'm sorry it's proving so difficult.

When I asked about the files loaded and Vlk said click on the file name to get the Icon displayed, this was only ever meant to be a test, not a fix.

The fact that the Icon DID appear, would I suggest, inticate that the main Avast program is loading.

Ok so this is not helping you resolve the problem and have confidence in your A-V protection.

Just let me check.... you have tried de-installing and re-installing Avast Y/N?

I don't want to get in between Mr Technical and Vlk who have different views on whether Nortons old installation if affecting anything. So it would be really nice if a re-install would actually work.

With OE you shouldn't need to change any of the dotted quads (pop3 etc setup)... ie these should be left as they where without any Avast or othe AV program installed.

Btw... where did you obtain the copy of Avast, is it the latest version off of the website?.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 05:38:08 PM by Walker »


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2003, 05:39:22 PM »
Hi Walker! and thanks for replying!

yes, I have unistalled/reinstalled--twice--and my version is the latest from the website itself. I also had used the utility to uninstall before I reinstalled...
It seems like it keeps getting worse with every action that I take :o
Perhaps if I go ahead and study the manual and replies, then I can figure out what I have done wrong! So, it looks like I will be very busy today :)

Walker, thank you for replying...I do so appreciate it.
I'm not ready to give up, though! They call us southern belles "steel magnolias" for good reason! ;D


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2003, 05:42:43 PM »

I edited my last message... pls re-check you got it all  :)

I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment, but it is not too difficult to setup Avast and once done you will be happy.

There seems something silly or strange that we are missing here  :-\



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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2003, 05:58:58 PM »
yes, I agree, Walker, that something is not right ;)
and it is probably something that I am doing or not doing!
that is why I thought I should start from the begining :(
but I will not give up!!



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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2003, 06:15:27 PM »

How did you do your de-installa/re-installs.... did you reboot your machine before doing the re-install?



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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2003, 07:44:51 PM »
yes, Walker, I did...I followed Technical's suggestions on what to do...

I'm going to go ahead and start from the begining again!


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2003, 07:51:10 PM »
Good luck.... fingers crossed  :) :) ;)

Let us know how you get on.


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2003, 10:40:52 PM »
all right...I used the removal utility for Avast! then reinstalled. The following are in my processes:

again, I had to manually activate ashDisp.exe
I did a boot scan and no viruses showed up, although CTX was caught before the re-installation.

Outlook Express is still not working properly...when I try and send a message, I get an error message.
and when I want to get my messages, 2-3 come through and then I get the error message.
Help, please!


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2003, 10:46:03 PM »

During the installation, you chose... not to alter any pop/smtp settings (ie did NOT put in 127....etc) y/n?  You also chose 'I use Outlook E' for your e-mail client Y/N?.

Vlk is on the forum at the moment.... lets see if we can attrack him  ;)

[EDIT] plus.... 'What' are the error messages saying exactly.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 10:56:23 PM by Walker »


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2003, 11:48:54 PM »

well, darn it...I was getting the error message because I made the mistake!! I sent a test message to myself and typed in the wrong number in my username...
 ;) now, Walker, we won't say anything to anyone else, OK?
I'm just glad it's working no matter how stupid I feel <g> it normal for me to have to manually activate the icons? I don't care if I do...I'm almost afraid to touch anything now :)

'Course the last time that I thought everything was all right, it didn't work after I logged off then later logged back on...



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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2003, 12:05:26 AM »

I really admire the way your sticking with it :).... well done  ;)

No, we still need to find out about 'why' the Icons are not showing in the taskbar.... you shouldn't have to keep clicking the file names to get them running

Can you tell us, what other Icons are in the taskbar and do the inactive ones come and go as there respective applications are loaded/unloaded?

Are you happy to have a look around and open you Avast4.ini file... not yet, later?.


[edit] ps... sorry if I'm disappearing off the forum, I'm spending my time watching a Harley-Davidson program in N. Carolina  ;) [/edit]
« Last Edit: November 05, 2003, 12:21:25 AM by Walker »


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2003, 12:49:28 AM »
oh, thank you!'s ok if you LOL when I told you about my goof!
there are 2 icons in the tray..the a and the i// the i justs sits there and the a turns when I go to a website or mail goes out...that's all that's showing or doing anything.

I'm game for the Avast4.ini file...just have no idea where to look for it :-[
but, hey, at least I'm learning!

are you in North Carolina??...sorry to be so nosy :(


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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2003, 12:53:46 AM »
oh, thank you!'s ok if you LOL when I told you about my goof!
there are 2 icons in the tray..the a and the i// the i justs sits there and the a turns when I go to a website or mail goes out...that's all that's showing or doing anything.


If the Icons are there and working as you say.... you have done it  :) . That is all normal behaviour ;)

Can you switch off and on and get the Icons showing now?.

No, I'm in Spain... It's a long time since I've been to the Carolina's  :'(



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Re:VERY frustrated
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2003, 01:34:20 AM »

I rebooted and had to manually activate the a and i icons. they wouldn't come up by themselves ( needed a little help from me) :) lovely! I have a friend who moved there from England. Spain is one country that I am sorry I missed visiting while in Europe...did the youth hostel thing in Germany and France.
