Thanks for the new settings
First impression of new settings:
Looks a bit crowded but important settings are mostly still there, that is a good thing. And there will be "advanced settings" available.
Overall, I feel this a good design
Some other comments:
[Overall] Layouts got garbled by translations: this needs to be addressed. Reducing font-size might be one of the options.
[General - Blocked & Allowed apps] App paths are not fully shown so cannot determine same apps in deep directory. Popups are at least needed.
[General - Blocked & Allowed apps] Where is "Sensitive Data Shield"?
[Protection - Core Shields - "What to do with"] Now we cannot designate how to treat detected threats other that "Automatic", "Ask" and "None".
For my impression "Automatic" (Repair => Chest => Delete) tends to result a data loss because of "Delete" action and that makes angry users, mainly because deleted files tend to be too big to send to the chest and these files cannot be restored by recovering software also because of its size.
If removing designated action settings, "Delete" should be changed to "Block" for automatic operation, IMHO.
At least leave us old designated treatment settings in "Geeks" area.
[Protection - Core Shields - "Configure shield settings"] If I change shields, page scrolls up and down. It's hard to follow.
[Protection - Scans] I prefer keeping scans settings in current position (Main - Protection - Scans). Adding links will be good enough.
[General - Troubleshooting] Running "Repair" from here is a good way.
[General - Language] Easily reloadable. Good.
[General - Exceptions] All exceptions goes here? Are they merged or separated (i.e. can I make Avast exclude path A for CyberCapture but not for File Shield)?
[Search] Useful to find needed settings, especially for beginners.