It's rather a slide-in (like the ones we had in earlier versions).
I'll try to catch a screenshot when it shows up again...
Like a Toaster Popup ?
Yes, Dave it is that exactly. Remains for about 20 seconds or so and then slides back down. First time I saw it here too, after a restart.
Check if the settings are still in place for changing the duration, remember the 0 value = no limit. Also it would be a case of which category does/would this come under information (INFO), etc. if avast are considering this as promotion (which would be wrong) we're stuffed as they didn't have a category.
Ah, I just opened up my laptop to check and see where the settings for Popups are (and I got the toaster popup, but not for very long). I couldn't find them, they were in the old Settings, General area and no popups area exists in 19.32369 UI (well not on mine).
I had a look in the geek:area (and what a dumping ground that is becoming), its a mess, one big long list, hard to find anything and scrolling forever and nothing related to Popups. I had to go into the Troubleshooting section, General > Open Old Settings and here in General > Popups are the various categories, my INFO section is set for 3 seconds (see attached image for my settings). This is why it didn't get a screen capture, id didn't stay up long enough for me to get a screen capture.