Hi "ajoe" :
I never heard of "Trojan Remover" either; the programs recommended by Frank are those that
antiSPYWARE Expert Eric Howes recommends at :
www.spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm#trustworthy . However, one of the ones there that Frank does not suggest is probably
the best, the FREE version of "SUPERantispyware" at
www.superantispyware.com .
When a security program detects something, should ALWAYS select "quarantine" FIRST, not
If none of these programs "solves" your problem, you will most likely need the guidance of
volunteer EXPERIENCED Malware Experts usually found on antiSPYWARE Support Forums, who
analyze "logs" from the "HijackThis" program, best downloaded from
www.thespykiller.co.uk/files/HJTsetup.exe .
At the download prompt, choose "Save".
Navigate to the saved file and double-click the installer, HJTsetup.exe.
HijackThis will be installed on your computer at C:\Program Files\HijackThis, making an entry in the start menu and also providing a desktop shortcut.
When the installation is complete, exit HijackThis.
Since you do not seem to have any antiSPYWARE program on your computer, I recommend
the forums at
www.landzdown.com .
Frank : Does not "CleanUp" have "Delete Prefetch files" as one of their "automatic" Options !?
Another thread on this forum recommends NOT deleting Prefetch files" !?