- moved from our support SupportSuite here, maybe others might be interrested too:
I have downloaded the software from the apple site. I am getting a
message that says the "Engine cannot Launch" and then a tab to
"Terminate". I moved the application to the trash and reinstalled and
the same thing has happened. The version of Avast is 2.74 and I'm
using a Mac OS X version 10.5.
Please, open Terminal Utility, and issue this command:
- copy/paste results here
then, issue:
/Applications/avast\!.app/Contents/Resources/com.avast.MacAvast.MAD -v -d ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.avast.MacAvast/ -t 3333
- copy/paste results here
if ok, try:
telnet localhost 3333
- copy/paste results here