Author Topic: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back  (Read 115205 times)

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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #75 on: March 18, 2010, 08:48:06 AM »
I have downgraded to 4.8 and my computer is back to being fast and finally able to multi-task without throwing my cpu up to 100%.

I won't be going up for a while. Anyone saying Avast 5 is faster is full of bull. It should still be in beta. When I have to restart my computer every two hours so it doesn't max out my cpu opening up a webpage, then something is wrong.

I am a power user and I don't like getting the newest AV to get a downgrade in performance. That's what had me walk away from AVG.

Offline mkis

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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #76 on: March 18, 2010, 10:40:00 AM »
oh sort out yr computer, will you, I'm sick of this drek

do v.4.8 if you want, its yr computer, just dont come here if you dont need help

or go do a do a computer course or something
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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #77 on: March 18, 2010, 11:54:19 AM »

To those saying that we who do not have problems with Avast 5.0 are fanboys, well think again SOUR GRAPERS....

I know what is in my PC and I know how it works. If you guys claim you know what you guys are doing just because you know how to tinker around with your machines, then by all means, GO BACK TO SCHOOL because clearly you know nothing about your machines since you guys cannot even pin point what the heck is wrong with it. Oh sure... Blame the new software installed. The question is, what is in your PC in the first place that made the new software react? Ever thought of that geniuses who lack neurons? It is not only you guys who knows how to use that argument. I do play around with the PC and its OS for a living. So two can play that game. If one thing doesn't work on the other machine, it clearly does not have anything to do with the OS. Rather what is in the PC because if it is the OS... Duh!!! Then everyone should have the same problem.

As for the bloke using a crystal ball... Well... You are just good at that... Stare at your crystal ball because for all you know you will learn something out of it... Perhaps your crystal ball can magnify your brain and show you that in reality it is really just so small you might even need an electron microscope to see it.

A lot of those stuff against people who do not have issues with Avast are rubbish. For one, they cannot posts something technical worth looking into. We sure have a lot of trolls in the Forum these days.


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #78 on: March 18, 2010, 12:01:01 PM »
So I am a full of bull? Simply because it works on my Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz machine and in my main machine (stats in my sig).

I can play games with my Pentium 4, while Avast is running in the background. And these are online games. Also, I can play music with it, and the CPU is not even eaten up. Checking the task manager, if it gets maxed out, not because of Avast but rather a processor intensive program is using it.

The question is what is in your PC that makes it that way. Funny how you consider others full of bull just because it doesn't work for you. Ei buddy... YOU ARE NOT THE BIBLE with technology. It doesn't mean if it doesn't work in your machine, it is the general law of the universe already.

For a power user like you, I definitely find you very amusing. More like a bloated user if you ask me. Power users are more or less scientific in their approach to problems with the PC. They use logic and technical skills. In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

I have downgraded to 4.8 and my computer is back to being fast and finally able to multi-task without throwing my cpu up to 100%.

I won't be going up for a while. Anyone saying Avast 5 is faster is full of bull. It should still be in beta. When I have to restart my computer every two hours so it doesn't max out my cpu opening up a webpage, then something is wrong.

I am a power user and I don't like getting the newest AV to get a downgrade in performance. That's what had me walk away from AVG.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 12:03:55 PM by Mikos »


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #79 on: March 19, 2010, 01:28:40 AM »
In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

        This goes both ways my fan-boy friend......A friend of mine the other day asked me if Avast 5 was working for me. I said no I had a lot of problems with 5 when it 1st came out. Went to their forum and just got blown off because I was mad and not a fan-boy. Basically told 5 was working fine for them so must be what is on my machine. As you know my machine is brand new win.7 64 machine with nothing on it but Photoshop. I went back to 4.8 and it is working perfectly. I still see people with problems on the forum so now I`m thinking of MSE. Why are you having problems ? Yes upgraded to 5 and it keeps freezing up and says I`m uncovered. Have you tried reloading ? Yes twice....did the clean in safe mode and everything. Have you tried the forum ? Ya right went there and lurked for a way I`m going on there and get abused by a bunch of fanboys......That is a true story my friend....yep keep up the good work Mikos...your really giving Avast a good name.....


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #80 on: March 19, 2010, 11:20:42 AM »
@ PAL10

How many avast! users use Adobe Photoshop CS4 with a cost of US$699?
How many avast! users do photo editing like you do?

I'm not going to become a fanboy of Adobe Photoshop CS4 for sure.


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #81 on: March 19, 2010, 11:43:38 AM »
In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

        This goes both ways my fan-boy friend......A friend of mine the other day asked me if Avast 5 was working for me. I said no I had a lot of problems with 5 when it 1st came out. Went to their forum and just got blown off because I was mad and not a fan-boy. Basically told 5 was working fine for them so must be what is on my machine. As you know my machine is brand new win.7 64 machine with nothing on it but Photoshop. I went back to 4.8 and it is working perfectly. I still see people with problems on the forum so now I`m thinking of MSE. Why are you having problems ? Yes upgraded to 5 and it keeps freezing up and says I`m uncovered. Have you tried reloading ? Yes twice....did the clean in safe mode and everything. Have you tried the forum ? Ya right went there and lurked for a way I`m going on there and get abused by a bunch of fanboys......That is a true story my friend....yep keep up the good work Mikos...your really giving Avast a good name.....

The times that I've needed to delve into the forums for support, I've found that the people who actually work for Avast are quite professional and courteous.  It's only the fanboys that ruin this place, who for the most part alternate between giving out bad info and flame fests (as has been thoroughly demonstrated in this thread).  It would behoove Avast to rein them in, least their corporate identity get tainted.  My suggestion is that anyone who actually gains "Evangelist" status be limited to a few posts per day, with the suggestion that they find something useful to do with their life.


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #82 on: March 19, 2010, 12:03:34 PM »
@ faust

One does not progress from being a Newbie like you to Jr. Member like PAL10 without posting something.

The forum here is for posting experiences and if you perceive that we "Evangelists" are fanboys then I guess there is no way for you to become an avast! Überevangelist like DavidR.


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #83 on: March 19, 2010, 12:37:42 PM »
I am not a fan boy my friend. Granting your PC only has Windows 7 x64 and Photoshop, and you still experience the problem, to say that it is Avast, and yet it works for other PCs with the same OS will still point to your machine. The idea that it is only the OS being present and Photoshop is actually a misnomer as Windows 7 alone does have a lot of things in it already. I would have checked what component like drivers, or other components that may work with Avast 4.8 yet it runs contrary to 5.0. An OS is not really just the OS per se as we all have different PCs. It does contain drivers and other stuff depending on what is in our computers. I would have had a changed perception if you have been more analytical about your response. But it turns out, it is not.

Our computers are different from each other depending on how we build them or how we set them up. To entirely blame the software without logically tracing where the problem is the way of those who do not use their cognitive faculties in trying to resolve the problem. Of course there is always an easy way out which is to remove the software and just change it to something that works immediately. But to simply say "hey fix your software" without giving the details in what is in your PC is rather futile for either the one having the problem or the one trying to fix it.

So now, who needs to upgrade what my fan boy friend?

In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

        This goes both ways my fan-boy friend......A friend of mine the other day asked me if Avast 5 was working for me. I said no I had a lot of problems with 5 when it 1st came out. Went to their forum and just got blown off because I was mad and not a fan-boy. Basically told 5 was working fine for them so must be what is on my machine. As you know my machine is brand new win.7 64 machine with nothing on it but Photoshop. I went back to 4.8 and it is working perfectly. I still see people with problems on the forum so now I`m thinking of MSE. Why are you having problems ? Yes upgraded to 5 and it keeps freezing up and says I`m uncovered. Have you tried reloading ? Yes twice....did the clean in safe mode and everything. Have you tried the forum ? Ya right went there and lurked for a way I`m going on there and get abused by a bunch of fanboys......That is a true story my friend....yep keep up the good work Mikos...your really giving Avast a good name.....


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #84 on: March 19, 2010, 12:45:43 PM »
Now why would they do that? It is the active members that really gain an understanding on the product that they deal with.

The problem here is that people perceive those that do not experience problems with the software as fan boys. This is entirely unfair. Just because it does not happen to them and they say that they are already fan boys. This is the same as putting words in their mouth. As I have stated before, if it does not work in your machine, then it is about time you check your machine because it works with those who have the same OS. Our computers are not exactly alike as we use different video cards, different software, different peripherals... Etc. The analytical way to resolving such problems would be to inform the one who will come up with a solution what is in one's PC.

I am not discounting the fact that a problem can occur in other computers of the same OS. I am simply pointing out that for people to call us fan boys just because we say we do not have problems with the software in question is way out of line. There is clearly a wrong predilection of thinking here. We are not fan boys and we do not intend to. People who do not clearly analyze their situations are merely sour grapers. There is an intelligent way to deal with this and sadly not too many are too keen on it... I guess those who call us as fan boys should start using what is between their shoulders, and stop demonstrating that what is between their ears is just full of air.

In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

        This goes both ways my fan-boy friend......A friend of mine the other day asked me if Avast 5 was working for me. I said no I had a lot of problems with 5 when it 1st came out. Went to their forum and just got blown off because I was mad and not a fan-boy. Basically told 5 was working fine for them so must be what is on my machine. As you know my machine is brand new win.7 64 machine with nothing on it but Photoshop. I went back to 4.8 and it is working perfectly. I still see people with problems on the forum so now I`m thinking of MSE. Why are you having problems ? Yes upgraded to 5 and it keeps freezing up and says I`m uncovered. Have you tried reloading ? Yes twice....did the clean in safe mode and everything. Have you tried the forum ? Ya right went there and lurked for a way I`m going on there and get abused by a bunch of fanboys......That is a true story my friend....yep keep up the good work Mikos...your really giving Avast a good name.....

The times that I've needed to delve into the forums for support, I've found that the people who actually work for Avast are quite professional and courteous.  It's only the fanboys that ruin this place, who for the most part alternate between giving out bad info and flame fests (as has been thoroughly demonstrated in this thread).  It would behoove Avast to rein them in, least their corporate identity get tainted.  My suggestion is that anyone who actually gains "Evangelist" status be limited to a few posts per day, with the suggestion that they find something useful to do with their life.


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #85 on: March 19, 2010, 02:02:49 PM »
It would behoove Avast to rein them in, least their corporate identity get tainted.
IMHO, they do this very well.  See, for example, .  It's never easy to find and hold to the golden mean in matters of censorship, especially since this isn't a major part of the job of any of the Avast professionals here, but just something they do by the way when they notice a problem.

Good luck.


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #86 on: March 20, 2010, 12:45:49 AM »
I am not a fan boy my friend. Granting your PC only has Windows 7 x64 and Photoshop, and you still experience the problem, to say that it is Avast, and yet it works for other PCs with the same OS will still point to your machine. The idea that it is only the OS being present and Photoshop is actually a misnomer as Windows 7 alone does have a lot of things in it already. I would have checked what component like drivers, or other components that may work with Avast 4.8 yet it runs contrary to 5.0. An OS is not really just the OS per se as we all have different PCs. It does contain drivers and other stuff depending on what is in our computers. I would have had a changed perception if you have been more analytical about your response. But it turns out, it is not.

Our computers are different from each other depending on how we build them or how we set them up. To entirely blame the software without logically tracing where the problem is the way of those who do not use their cognitive faculties in trying to resolve the problem. Of course there is always an easy way out which is to remove the software and just change it to something that works immediately. But to simply say "hey fix your software" without giving the details in what is in your PC is rather futile for either the one having the problem or the one trying to fix it.

So now, who needs to upgrade what my fan boy friend?

In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

        This goes both ways my fan-boy friend......A friend of mine the other day asked me if Avast 5 was working for me. I said no I had a lot of problems with 5 when it 1st came out. Went to their forum and just got blown off because I was mad and not a fan-boy. Basically told 5 was working fine for them so must be what is on my machine. As you know my machine is brand new win.7 64 machine with nothing on it but Photoshop. I went back to 4.8 and it is working perfectly. I still see people with problems on the forum so now I`m thinking of MSE. Why are you having problems ? Yes upgraded to 5 and it keeps freezing up and says I`m uncovered. Have you tried reloading ? Yes twice....did the clean in safe mode and everything. Have you tried the forum ? Ya right went there and lurked for a way I`m going on there and get abused by a bunch of fanboys......That is a true story my friend....yep keep up the good work Mikos...your really giving Avast a good name.....

      How do you know what I did to try and solve my problems ? You know nothing about me.....I have watched you and your friends are to busy being  Fan-boys and flaming on people like me and others that have problems with Avast 5. Your normal answers are .....their is nothing wrong with Avast is your computer....un-install, clean in safe mode, re-install and your fixed. Do you know how many times this has been said on this forum. Do you know how many times people have tried this and finally gave up as I and went back to Avast 4.8 or just moved on ? No you don`t but I would guess a lot more than you think. I did this many many times that I can un-install, clean in safe mode, re-install in my sleep. I have looked at driver problems till my eyes bleed I could not figure it out....that is why I went back to 4.8. I don`t think (or have every seen) any software should be this hard to get to work. That is why I say their is a problem...or many. Microsoft is not the best company for sure....but if they would have had the attitude I see around here they would be long gone. And Microsoft is not known for their attitude for sure. My system is probably different then yours for sure.....but what I was trying to point out is it is not old, it is not full of sh*t and I should not have been having all these problems. Nor should most of the people I know be having so many problems with Avast 5.
      The earlier versions of Avast were some of the best software I have ever seen. That is why myself and many others recommended it to everyone we knew. Simple for anyone to load and it just worked like a dream. That is why some of us are complaining......Avast set the we are just holding them to it. If I didn`t think Avast was a great company I would have just moved on and never would be posting here. But I am not a Fan-boy.....I want to see Avast 5 be a program that is of the standards that Avast set for themselves in the past. That is not even close to what Avast 5 is right now. To have to dance the jig and jump through hoops to get it to work is not going to go fare for sure. Avast is much better then this and they don`t need all you Fan-boys Flaming users that have problems....


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #87 on: March 20, 2010, 12:51:40 AM »
@ PAL10

How many avast! users use Adobe Photoshop CS4 with a cost of US$699?
How many avast! users do photo editing like you do?

I'm not going to become a fanboy of Adobe Photoshop CS4 for sure.

    Well my friend I would think Avast would hope that every Adobe Photoshop CS4 user would be using Avast sotware......Photoshop is the standard for Photography and some of us beg and barrow and save to get it. It is widely used around the world by people with money and people without much.........So I would hope that Avast as a company would be looking for users in all kinds of places......So what is the point you are trying to make.....or are you just trying to prove how little you know about the world.....


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #88 on: March 20, 2010, 01:00:01 AM »
PAL10, well said! I'm sure the Avast Team will work out the bugs in Avast 5. Not because of Fanboy's, but because of dedicated intelligent users with integrity like yourself...


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Re: Good Bye Avast - I need my CPU Back
« Reply #89 on: March 20, 2010, 01:16:09 AM »
What computers does this seem to be affecting the most? The newer ones? Is it any particular OS?