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Avast Account ( / Re: Digital River
« Last post by DavidR on Yesterday at 01:59:05 PM »
Whatever you do don't do it too soon or you are effectively paying twice, possibly worst leave it too late and the autorenew will kick in.

I have never used Digital River, so I can't speak from personal experience, but in the time that I have been on the Avast Forum as a voluntary helper.
To my recollection I haven't seen much related to Digital River.  Presumably you are able to go into your Digital River account and change your option not to Autorenew ?
The renewal reminder from Digital River I guess should also give the option to cancel as this is a pretty standard requirement I would have thought.

As I said I use Avast Antivirus free version, but were I to be using a paid version of Avast I would follow this advice, I have never setup a renewable mandate for software, I prefer to manage that myself.  Be assured the program will remind (nag) you when your subscription renewal is close, you may even get a discount offer to renew. 

I did purchase two lifetime licenses for software in the past one is still going strong the other (for a firewall) ceased trading, but I still feel I got a good deal having used it for many years.
Avast randomly blocking my internet connection. No rule how often, could be every 15min, could be few hours. It is never from the start, always after some time. (Avast Premium Security)

Tray icon is red and says: "you are not protected"
Main app is green and says: "you are fully protected"
And there is no internet.

While I agree that having no internet is ultimate protection, it is not what I have in mind.

Short term solution is disable/enable protection from the trayicon. It works till the next time.
App is updated.

PS. Sorry for my rusty english.
Avast Account ( / Re: Digital River
« Last post by WolfGoddess77 on Yesterday at 12:32:18 PM »
I use Avast Premium Security. My subscription doesn't expire until the beginning of November, but I have autorenew on, which should warn me a couple of weeks before it expires.

I just don't understand the almost exclusive one-star ratings from Digital River, and I don't know if I want to risk the same thing happening to me.
General Topics / Re: Interesting
« Last post by bob3160 on Yesterday at 12:25:02 PM »

Google Photo - Natural Language Search
This video is a quick tutorial on how to use the new natural language
search function in Google Photos. The speaker demonstrates how to
search for photos using natural language terms, even if the photos are
not tagged.
Espanol / Re: No me deja configurar Chrome a mi gusto
« Last post by MARIA CARMEN2 on Yesterday at 09:58:00 AM »
Muchas gracias por tu respuesta, K54, pero hace años que tengo este ordenador. Le toco "los entresijos" lo mínimo, sólo si hay algún problema.
Justo he comprado AVAST porque me he encontrado con un problema a la hora de abrir Chrome, y es que me carga buscadores que NO son Google y me da que es porque se ha instalado algo de estranjis que me ha hecho estas modificaciones.
Al instlar AvAST no me ha detectado nada maligno y tampoco me deja reconfigurar Chrome como estaba ya que no da la opción de Google para configurar como navegador.
Avast Mobile Security for Android / Re: I need to contact Support [URGENT]
« Last post by DavidR on Yesterday at 12:37:49 AM »
You said Avast stopped replying to False Positive (FP) reports a few months ago and now you say report FP in the given URL.

It is also unethical for Avast not to provide detailed information about the report to developers.

They stopped replying - but state that the FP will be checked within 48 hours - if found to be an FP it will be removed from the database.  If not presumably it is still considered a risk/suspect, etc. and remain on the list.  If you don't reported using the links you posted it won't even get examined.

I think it has nothing to do with ethics, I happen to think it is wrong as it is more likely to generate more reports on the same site/program/file, etc.
General Topics / Re: Interesting
« Last post by bob3160 on September 06, 2024, 11:58:27 PM »

Tech Myths Debunked - What’s True and What’s Hype?
"Think you know everything about tech? Think again! From charging myths
to public Wi-Fi dangers, we're debunking some of the most common tech
misconceptions. Whether you're a casual user or a tech enthusiast, this
video will help you separate fact from fiction in the digital world.
Get ready for some surprising truths!"
I used ChatGPT-4o and to put this information together.
If you're interested in trying please use the following link.
Avast Mobile Security for Android / Re: I need to contact Support [URGENT]
« Last post by hasanaga.mammadov on September 06, 2024, 11:57:10 PM »
You said Avast stopped replying to False Positive (FP) reports a few months ago and now you say report FP in the given URL.

It is also unethical for Avast not to provide detailed information about the report to developers.
Avast Mobile Security for Android / Re: I need to contact Support [URGENT]
« Last post by DavidR on September 06, 2024, 11:36:59 PM »
First when displaying URLs the use of the https should be changed to hXXps so the link isn't active to avoid accidental exposure.

A lot has happened in 10 years, which doesn't mean it isn't 'suspicious' - however suspicious doesn't necessarily mean infected/malicious - given what is currently going on much russian content is being viewed differently.

Personally if there is any content I want translated I use Google translation.

I can only guess you have the web shield off in the mobile app is to try and avoid this ?

You can use the links given in your quoted text to report possible FPs - if after a few days they are still detected they are still considered suspicious.
Unfortunately as an Avast User there is little else I can do about that.
Avast Mobile Security for Android / Re: I need to contact Support [URGENT]
« Last post by hasanaga.mammadov on September 06, 2024, 11:13:32 PM »
Thank you for your answer.

We have more than 80 applications. I am adding 3 of them.
These applications have been available and supported in the Google Play for 10 years.
If the problem of 3 applications is solved, the others will probably be solved.

1. hxxxs:// - detection ID: fa5418978282
2. hxxxs:// - detection ID: 16f60c09951c
3. hxxxs:// - detection ID: cbbdce2b1541

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