Author Topic: Forum: Login problem  (Read 69384 times)

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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #105 on: November 16, 2015, 09:19:08 PM »
Lakrsrool - I have just sent another email to Avast in response to the last one I received asking if there has been any progress by their developers. At least I will try and keep it active as long as I can.
David R - I suggest you do a bit of research - Palemoon is available in both 32 and 64 bit versions, we have the forum login issue with either version. This problem has absolutely nothing to do with Avast AV scanning browsers, and a bit puzzled you mention 'HTML', something that has been a fundamental part of browsers for the past 25 years or so. The issue is solely that we cannot login to the forum with Palemoon which is an issue totally separate from anything the AV itself is doing. It is sad that Avast don't seem to want to solve this issue, it should be basic web design which anybody could sort out if they had access to the server code.

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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #106 on: November 16, 2015, 09:37:32 PM »
@ davews
The fact that it is 32bit won't help much with market share, but all I was trying to show is that it isn't about Avast! refusing to acknowledge Pale Moon as a valid browser.

You could try checking the option in my image, that may allow for a logon to work, but it would kind of defeat the purpose of having the web shield.
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #107 on: November 16, 2015, 11:21:13 PM »
@ davews
The fact that it is 32bit won't help much with market share, but all I was trying to show is that it isn't about Avast! refusing to acknowledge Pale Moon as a valid browser.

You could try checking the option in my image, that may allow for a logon to work, but it would kind of defeat the purpose of having the web shield.

DavidR, can you tell me what exactly the "Scan traffic from well-know browser processes only" setting actually does?

It makes no difference, the login to Avast fails either checked or not checked in Pale Moon.

Intuitively I would conclude that checked is better security, however I was totally unaware of this setting and I found it unchecked.  Considering the fact that I've never touched this setting (not knowing about it) I would assume that unchecked is therefore the DEFAULT setting.  Obviously if I haven't changed it on the basis I didn't even know about it and it's unchecked that would presume "default" would presumably have to be unchecked, right?

If my intuitive conclusion is that checked is better security, why would "unchecked" be the default?


On the topic of the compatibility of Pale Moon, it would seem that communication within Avast Support must be extremely poor to non-existent.  When opening tickets, there is absolutely no awareness of the problem initially and after considerable correspondence attempting to figure it out there is also virtually no indication from Avast Support that Avast has any intention of addressing the issue, to the contrary it would seem the opposite based on the narrative expressed by Avast Support regarding this issue that I might add involve multiple tickets opened.  These are the kinds of things that are very frustrating to Avast users who want to see Avast provide much better quality in all aspects of their support to their users.
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #108 on: November 17, 2015, 12:25:07 AM »
Just what it says, only those browsers that are well-know (and probably confirmed by avast), to whom it is well known is the question, avast most likely has a list of those. In which case they won't be pushed through the web shield.

Checked is definitely not the better security as effectively it means not well known then not scanned by the web shield.

Generally that option should resolve issues with browsers somehow in conflict with avast, so I'm surprised that it had no effect. Did you stop and restart the web shield as that is probably needed for the settings to take effect.

Other than the issue with the avast logon are you able to browse other sites even with Pale Moon with this option unchecked ?
Or more so logging on at other sites that require you to logon ?
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #109 on: November 17, 2015, 02:00:29 AM »
Hey DavidR, all I can say is Wow, the setting "Scan traffic from well-known browser processes only" as worded was obviously confusing to me.  This is why I had asked what exactly it does.

I interpreted this to mean that Avast would only allow "well-known" browsers "only" if checked, but checked means that Avast will NOT scan browsers unless they are "well-known" if checked, so browsers NOT "well-known are "ignored" by Avast when "unchecked".  Got it, the way it's worded just seems a little ambiguous, so then like you said "unchecked" is less secure.

I would have worded the setting "Scan traffic from all browsers will be processed" and then make the default "checked" and make this the default.  This makes more sense to me than having a setting that means, paraphrase "better known browsers are scanned" when the setting is unchecked.  First of the all the wording Avast uses is confusing (in my opinion my wording makes more sense) and to me a checked setting is generally thought  of as "proactive" but in this case the way Avast as it worded an uncheck setting is what is more proactive.

Well, enough of that.... I've tried checking the setting and disabling the "Web Shield" and even clicked on the "OK" for that "Active Protection" window which causes the interface to exit at that level and give me the "Attention warning" and then turned the "Web Shield" back on and it makes no difference, still can't login into Avast.

Should I actually have to reboot? I wouldn't think so.  ???

There is no problem (setting unchecked) with any other sites with Pale Moon including many numerous forums that I use (including dozens of them that I use), it happens Avast is the only site that has this problem with Pale Moon and if I'm not mistaken this has been the case ever since Avast implemented the "single sign-on" (like the Pale Moon developers like to call it) where Avast has the login take care of both the Avast forum and the Avast Account (  I've already posted here in the forum how problematic that can be and how in my view Avast did not think this out very well.

I've discussed this problem in detail in a previous post in this topic which let me be clear really has NOTHING to do with this Pale Moon login problem as it impacts all browsers in this case.  In brief terms I found what can cause the Avast forum login to fail to work for ALL browsers (for those that have found they were unable to login to the Avast forum) unless the user takes the step to have to clear all Avast cookies.  There is a reason for this, which I'll explain. As you know when FREE users renew their license for another year an email is requested from the user.  It is suggested that users provide the same email as the one used on the last one year renewal, but what about if an email account is closed (can happen you know) or perhaps the user forgets what email they used last time after an entire year.  So here's the problem, if you use a different email address than the email address for logging into Avast then you won't be logged into the forum (OK, you say no problem it makes sense to just login with the new email address), but what this (using a different email address than before) also does is make the "login" button in the Avast forum totally non-functional (Oops, doesn't make sense anymore) that is because the Avast forum login has the old email address on file that the user has either closed or forgotten.

Do you see how and why it appears that Avast has not thought all scenarios out very well.  To expect the user to have the same email available year after year is not realistic.  And the way Avast has done this is the Avast Account login tied also to the forum relies on the user having access to the same email address.

There may be something I'm missing or not understanding here. If I'm wrong in any way please let me how.

Note: Sometimes it takes more than a one-liner to explain things adequately (for those who are phobic about posts that aren't pithy)  ;)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 07:45:26 AM by lakrsrool »
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #110 on: November 17, 2015, 02:51:52 AM »
Where are "time zone settings"?  I've looked everywhere on the forum and my Avast account, can't find the setting.

Also, on the subject of "emails" (see prior post) what is this setting for (see ATTACHED image) pointed out with the "?" in the attached image ?

There is a "Primary email" and then there is the option to "Add new email(s)", so what is this for?

I've had other emails in the past that I've used (because I didn't remember what I used before when I renewed for a year) and if I enter them I get an error that the email is already on file.  The problem is while I CAN use these other emails to login to an Avast account ( I can't use either of these other two emails because it breaks the Forum because if I do use these other two I can't login into the forum.  I find that I'm not logged in if I use the email to login to the Avast account (which does work for and has different award levels for each) but then the forum is not logged in and the login link in the forum fails to work (does nothing). 

These are some of the oddities I'm talking about.

So does anyone know what this option to "Add new email(s)" does?

Does this mean the user would be "adding" a "new" email like it says so that for whatever reason (I have no idea) the user will have more than one email and leave the "Primary" email as it is or does "Add new" email mean "change" the email (regardless of the word "Add") and the "new" replaces the "Primary" email?

If the latter, then it would be better worded to say "Change email" instead of "Add email", but if it means what it sounds like then what is the purpose of adding another "new" email?

Avast doesn't make things very clear as I've pointed out in the previous post.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 04:00:41 AM by lakrsrool »
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #111 on: November 17, 2015, 07:59:07 AM »
To add to all this discussion (thanks Larksrool for the detailed analysis) I do not have the Avast webshield enabled and never have so, relying solely on the realtime scanner for protection. I am a skilled computer user and only have AV as insurance and know what I am doing - in fact I don't really need AV as it never ever finds any nasties. I used to be able to login to this Avast forum with Palemoon until you made your changes a couple of months ago, no problem. I am currently posting this with Opera 12.16, now long obsolete and no doubt on your list of 'unsupported' browsers. But it works. Palemoon (itself virtually identical to what Firefox was not many years ago before they added Australis) logs into every single other forum I visit. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the AV itself, purely a web and server issue at Avast, maybe using web standard techniques that are only supported by a small set of recent browsers and they have made no provision for browsers (including early versions of Firefox) which do not support that technology.

Come on, this is a forum login issue, hardly rocket science.

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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #112 on: November 17, 2015, 11:22:59 AM »
@ lakrsrool,
I thought you were brighter than you led us to believe in your last reply.
You need to add a new email address in order to get rid of the current or no longer used email address.
Once you've added a new email address, you may make it your default and remove the old one.
Time Zone settings really have nothing to do with logging into the forum or your account but this is where you'll find it:

Still fairly short. :) Certainly not spread over many pages. :)
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Offline DavidR

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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #113 on: November 17, 2015, 04:38:13 PM »
Hey DavidR, all I can say is Wow, the setting "Scan traffic from well-known browser processes only" as worded was obviously confusing to me.  This is why I had asked what exactly it does.

I interpreted this to mean that Avast would only allow "well-known" browsers "only" if checked, but checked means that Avast will NOT scan browsers unless they are "well-known" if checked, so browsers NOT "well-known are "ignored" by Avast when "unchecked".  Got it, the way it's worded just seems a little ambiguous, so then like you said "unchecked" is less secure.

I would have worded the setting "Scan traffic from all browsers will be processed" and then make the default "checked" and make this the default. 

The problem is I believe, since this is really a troubleshooting option, if there were conflict on a specific browser and is under the 'Enable Web Scanning' option.

It could do with more clarity - If the 'Only' the crucial word were at the front it may help.
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #114 on: November 17, 2015, 05:01:14 PM »
I feel this is pure laziness from the avast side to not support pale moon.2 million approx palemoon users could be potential paying customers.
Do avast not realise this..?

I find the replies to legitimate questions on this forum by moderators and users completely unhelpful and fanboy in  nature.Its obvious that avast are only interested in supporting chrome seeing as they try to sneak it on to peoples computer whenever they can.
I find this corporate attitude revolting and completely prejudiced towards not just pale moon but other non mainstream browsers.
Its a sorry state of affairs when we see such dictatorial under hand tactics by a security company.The tragic irony is that people have to make their browser insecure to log in to a security forum.Disgraceful and not very confidence building.
lets just hope avast will get their act together and provide good service to ALL browsers.My esteem for avast gets lower with every update and they seem to be in some form of moronic regression.

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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #115 on: November 17, 2015, 05:54:05 PM »
@ lakrsrool,
I thought you were brighter than you led us to believe in your last reply.
You need to add a new email address in order to get rid of the current or no longer used email address.
Once you've added a new email address, you may make it your default and remove the old one.
Time Zone settings really have nothing to do with logging into the forum or your account but this is where you'll find it:

Still fairly short. :) Certainly not spread over many pages. :)

bob3160, Really - What in the world would lead you to the conclusion that I thought "Time Zone" settings would have anything at all to do with "logging into the forum or your"?  You do understand the concept of two separate questions, RIGHT?

Here I'll help you out, here are the first two line of my post:
Where are "time zone settings"?  I've looked everywhere on the forum and my Avast account, can't find the setting.

Also, on the subject of "emails" (see prior post) what is this setting for (see ATTACHED image) pointed out with the "?" in the attached image ?

You do see the word "Also", RIGHT? ???

That word you should know connotes an additional point or in this case question.  You do realize that don't you bob3160? :-\

All you had to do is read the first two lines of my post to comprehend this concept, but apparently this concept of two separate questions totally escapes you.  But that's OK, I've certainly had my bad moments as well.  ;)

bob3160, I'll follow up on the constructive part of your post that actually applies to my question that I thank you for posting to not only try and keep things pithy for you but to see what I get in regards to the time-stamp as I didn't see anything change for me and to provide additional comments in regards to your explanations on the TWO questions I asked.  :)
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #116 on: November 17, 2015, 06:08:33 PM »
@ lakrsrool,
I thought you were brighter than you led us to believe in your last reply.
You need to add a new email address in order to get rid of the current or no longer used email address.
Once you've added a new email address, you may make it your default and remove the old one.
Time Zone settings really have nothing to do with logging into the forum or your account but this is where you'll find it:

Still fairly short. :) Certainly not spread over many pages. :)

Fantastic bob3160, I've got my time-zone now, thanks  ;D  Who would have thought to find this type of setting in something called "look and layout" of "Modify Profile",  one would intuitively think either "Account Settings" or "Forum Profile" in that order (like all other forums I've seen) instead of something called "look and layout"  :-\ ???  (I might add that the settings are a bit unique compared to other forums but I digress)

Oh and by the way bob3260, my access to this setting looks very different than yours (see attached) and as I said certainly not what I would consider intuitive path to time-zone settings.

OK, that takes care of ONE of my TWO questions, I'll address the email address question next (just to try and keep things pithy for you bob3260).  ;)
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #117 on: November 17, 2015, 06:23:50 PM »
@ lakrsrool,
I thought you were brighter than you led us to believe in your last reply.
You need to add a new email address in order to get rid of the current or no longer used email address.
Once you've added a new email address, you may make it your default and remove the old one.

If this window is meant to "CHANGE" the email address from the previous one then why would the process be worded "Add New Email"?

I think "Change your Email" would make more sense maybe.

Now the second point that makes little or no sense, What's the point of this reference to "Primary Email"?

The concept of having a "Primary Email" setting connotes that there can be other email addresses, RIGHT?  The word "Primary" connotes "Secondary"!!!!

If you are replacing an email hence only one email exists then what does "Primary Email" even mean?  Makes no sense!!!

Hence the confusion I expressed and why I asked the question.  ;)

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "you may make it your default and remove the old one", if the email replaces the old email this should be only one step, why do we need to "remove the old one"?

I presume your reference to the "Default" part of this is in reference to "Primary email"?   Again, if you ONLY HAVE ONE EMAIL (since your saying this process replaces your previous email) then what is the point about setting an email to be a "default" as you put it.

Perhaps you see why I asked the question in the first place.  I'm frankly still not sure what this process is the way it's word to be honest and I'm not about to try it out for fear this messes something up all together.  (me thinks I may not be able to login with any browsers once again like before if I play around with anything Avast has that as you can see frankly is very confusing the way it's presented)

As to your insightful conclusion:
I thought you were brighter than you led us to believe in your last reply.
  I'm pleased to know that you formerly thought I was brighter than you think I am :D, for what it's worth.  ;) ;D 8)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 07:11:49 PM by lakrsrool »
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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #118 on: November 17, 2015, 06:29:41 PM »
You received the answers even if you don't want to let them sink in.
I've had enough of your novels.

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Re: Forum: Login problem
« Reply #119 on: November 17, 2015, 06:41:11 PM »
You received the answers even if you don't want to let them sink in.
I've had enough of your novels.

Reading actually promotes learning.  We're never to old to learn (well maybe most of us), thankfully I still understand this concept approaching the age of 70.  ;)
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